Friday, October 16, 2009

Boo in the Zoo

We've been looking forward to member's night at Boo in the Zoo ever since Adam's first interview at the Greenville Zoo, way back when. Adam came home from work early tonight, John Dickson dug into his cheese, chicken nuggets, green beans and miniature cucumber (he picked it out from the produce stand... it was like 3 inches long, so I had to buy it... thought it might even convince him to eat it. I peeled it and seeded it for him, and no luck. But he did love carrying the pieces around...) and then got geared up for the big event.

Disclaimer: The pictures you are about to see are SCARY. The only proof I can give you that this is not a real tiger is the fact that the Greenville Zoo has no tigers.

AAAAAAAAAAANYHOO, the zoo was closed due to "recent rains." Lame. So we took pictures of John Dickson in trees, and then came home. Can you even handle the excitement that was our Friday night?

1 comment:

  1. We are members too and were SO excited about going to the members night tonight. Luckily we caught the news on their website this afternoon before we got ready so I guess we'll just go another day.

    I saw that same Tiger costume the other day and almost bought it for Austin. So cute!!
