Adam and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary yesterday! (Actually, we saw each other for about 15 minutes total, since I worked until about 10pm). So I guess I should say that Adam and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary (which was yesterday) two days ago! We went to Outback and had a good time reminiscing on the time we got into a fight over the bloomin onion sauce and I wound up crying in the bathroom. Everyone has that fight, right? Ah good times. But in all seriousness, best 3 years of my life! My mom use to tell me all of the things she thought I should expect from a guy (such as opening doors, carrying things, etc - all of those gentlemanly things) and I couldn't believe I had a mom who was soooo old fashioned. Turns out those are the things I've really grown to appreciate... I've got a pretty good catch. He's a great husband, and then when I see him with John Dickson, it just melts my heart. Until he gives him junk food when Im not looking...
Speaking of Adam... he has an interview at the Greenville Zoo on Monday!! We are both super excited about it. Say a little prayer for us :-) A new job - ANY new job - will literally change our lives. And as soon as he gets to put in his 2 weeks notice, the Kelley's are off to Universal Studios!!! We've had some 7 day passes burning holes in our pockets, since Adam currently gets no vacation, holidays or weekends. Or weekdays for that matter.
But back to John Dickson...Adam pointed to Ellie last night and said "That's Ellie". John Dickson also pointed at Ellie and said "Eddie."
When I picked up John Dickson from school today, when his teacher handed me his daily report, John Dickson told her thank you ("tan tu" - which I think is how his dad use to say it) and started waving bye bye all on his own. Then in the car on the way home, I handed him his blankie, and he said "tan tu" and then he dropped his book, which I handed to him, and he said "tan tu". Not only is our little dude talking, but he's got manners!
John Dickson's vocabulary has really grown... the words he is really using appropriately are: Thank you, uh oh, shoes, all done, and treats (which he gives to the dogs everyday). The words he has imitated us saying, but doesn't say consistently are: cheese, hello, and Ellie. And the words he has imitated, but I think only we would understand are... and these are big ones... dinosaur, and necklace.
Here's my theory on this next part... I think John Dickson accidently peed while he was naked about a week ago, and decided he really liked it. Because after about a year of none of those kinds of accidents, we have had 4 this week. Tonight his little naked tushy came in the living room, sat on the hardwood floor, and let it all go. Then he just continued to sit there in his puddle... fortunately the bath was already waiting on him.
John Dickson has taken a very sudden love for his books! But he's going through that independent stage where he only wants to read to himself (and feed himself for that matter... and with a fork or spoon). Seemingly overnight, he has changed from looking at his books and kind of talking about them to himself, to imitating us reading him books. He does this at night for about 15 minutes before we have to pry Goodnight Moon from his hands and then our little boy who use to go down easily and let you tuck him in and kiss him goodnight, turns into a rage baby for about a half an hour. Soooo, his dad, who always sticks to his guns (AHEM), let John Dickson take his book to bed with him. That little dude read his book for an hour, no kidding. When Adam went back in there to take it from him, John Dickson was just sitting in his crib with the book open in his lap.
And I was shocked to realize how quickly Halloween is sneaking up on us, and I don't even have an idea of what John Dickson will be! I know all you normal people out there are doing the math and realizing Halloween is still 3 months away. Unless you do Adam Kelley math and think Halloween is 5 months away... but I'm usually on top of these things! Heck, I've already got John Dickson's 3rd birthday present planned! And I've already bought my niece a Christmas present. (Im excited, can you tell?) Holidays are kind of my thing. So if you've got any ideas... I'd love to hear them... it's hard to follow such a cute giraffe!!!
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