On John Dickson's birthday weekend, he was not his usual eats-like-a-horse self, and he repeatedly turned down all of the treats we tried to stuff him with. Now you know I'm pretty stickler-y about what that little man eats, but we wanted him to have something special and so we kept trying... with little success. So after turning down Easter cake Thursday and Friday, birthday cake on Saturday, and strawberry chocolate torte cake on Sunday, I picked up some donuts for breakfast on Sunday and we sang happy birthday and he blew out the candles in his cream filled chocolate glazed krispy kreme donut (I know, Dunkin Donuts has not saturated Columbia yet, so I had no choice). As I mentioned before, that little man LOVES for you to sing him happy birthday and he loves to blow out candles, so the overall experience was a favorable one, but he wouldn't eat his donut. (Sorry dude, next year we will do Dunkin)
A really good friend of mine's parents gave John Dickson some passes to Edventure, and we thought that would be the perfect way to celebrate John Dickson's birthday.
Did I say John Dickson? I meant Adam.
As you know, that little man loves all things truck, and could have played on the firetruck forever.
As you also know, that little man does not discriminate when it comes to modes of transportation
It was our first trip to Edventure, and it was a success! I thought I was going to pass out from lack of food (it had been more than half an hour!) and so I may have missed a few minutes scouting out what turned out to be a cookie ice cream sandwich, but John Dickson spent the entire time soaking up all the fun he could handle. Thank you to the Mameles!!! You know just how to make a two year old light up!
After a stop by the house for lunch with my parents, we made our way to Riverbanks Zoo - John Dickson's first trip in over a year. There were a lot of people there and so he was a little timid, but he really enjoyed the penguins, the zeesas (zebras), and, of course, the ponies they have for pony rides. This is actually him gazing longingly at the ponies. Seriously, his favorite attraction.
It was our last attempt at a birthday treat, and we got a cup of dippin dots - banana split flavored - and after much coaxing, John Dickson finally gave it a try. And he finally caved to the deliciousness that is dippin dots.
Happy birthday one more time to our favorite two year old!
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