but John Dickson is TWO now. You've seen most of the pictures, but I haven't gotten to brag on how smart and sweet our little two year old is. If this is how the terrible twos are going to be, bring it on! (Although I know by saying that we have not yet reached the terrible twos... but I like to think they just dont exist for John Dickson). He can be quite the challenge, and he can be downright grumpy and impossible to please at times. And yes, when he finished his milk in the car on Saturday, he let me know by chucking it at my head, but overall he is actually extremely well behaved and a really good natured kid. We love him to pieces. So get ready for a super random stream of consciousness post about the little guy!
- John Dickson LOVES to take care of animals (and people!). He insists on giving the dogs treats (he doesn't understand Ellie's weight watchers plan), and he loves to feed them. Every morning he gets Bear's bowl, fills it up, and if we have time, he sits on the floor with it and hand feeds Bear. If the water bowl runs dry, he carries it to us and says "mo water". He's figured out how to gently pet Bear (he still uses Ellie as a slide sometimes - a nice dismount from the couch), and if he accidently throws something at Bear (he gets confused with the whole fetch game) then he tells Bear "sohhy" and gives him a hug and a kiss. The hug and kiss are all him! When we get home, he waves "hey boo boo, hey boo boo". I don't think Bear is necessarily his favorite, but Ellie pretty much lives in Columbia now, so Bear is usually all John Dickson sees. PLUS, Boo Boo ride car, remember? And that is AWESOME. John Dickson also loves to take care of Pishy and insists on giving her food and water (?? I know). He propped up his Elmo DVD next to Pishy so she could see Elmo, and he threw a book at her, which I like to think was for her entertainment... this morning as we were leaving, I forgot to feed Pishy, and guess who reminded me?
Bear gets his medicine in peanut butter sandwiches, and apparently this has not gone unnoticed. I had some serious heartburn on Saturday and Adam went to the bathroom to get some Zantac for me. John Dickson loves to help, so I said "can you go help daddy get medicine for mommy?" That little man ran to the kitchen and brought me the peanut butter. Is he precious or what? I also asked John Dickson on two separate occasions to bring me a tissue, and he went to the bathroom and tore off a piece of toilet paper. The first time. The second time he couldnt break it, so he tried to bring the whole roll (sorry Nana). Then he threw it away for me. He also likes to get tissues and blow everybody's noses, including his stuffed animals and Bear. Oh, and how does Bear feel about this? Bear no longer sleeps with me all night, he mans the post outside John Dickson's door. He has the tough guy facade, but Bear has a soft spot for that little man.
John Dickson continues to be a good eater and is even starting to eat meat! He's incorporated chicken nuggets, deli turkey, ham, steak, salmon, shrimp, sloppy Joes and hotdogs into his diet (still not a fan of the hamburger), but he still loves his vegetarian chicken and sausage. I know, he's weird. He eats almost all of his vegetables, including peas, carrots, green beans, corn, corn on the cob, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and his favorite - baked beans. He actually asks for baked beans and will pull them out of the fridge and get in his high chair if you open the door. Dont mistake him - he still LOVES a good "tootie" (cookie), and all forms of cake, but he is our good little eater. Hummus and tomato soup are still favorites! I would say "(not together)", but that is simply not true.
John Dickson has some new favorite things, including (of course) "bassetball", turtles, water, air planes, shoes, anything and everything that goes "roun and roun" and his pets. He LOVES to sing, with his favorite song being Row Row Row Your Boat. He asks for that one! Otherwise he loves to sing the wheels on the bus, his ABCs, the itsy bitsy spider, happy birthday, and a few others.
John Dickson has really started to learn a lot of concepts, including "first we have to..." and "if you want to do this, you need to..." This weekend he wanted to go outside, and he had just gotten up from his nap, so I told him if he wanted to go outside, he needed to go to his room and get a diaper and his pants. Sure enough he came back with his pants and a diaper (well, two diapers), and he immediately laid on his back for me to change him. He also understands when he asks for more food and I tell him he has to eat whatever is on his plate first - you think you've seen the kid shovel food - you have no idea. More baked beans? Let me just cram all of these carrots and this boca burger down in 4 seconds flat. It's a miracle he doesn't choke.
Daycare wont potty train until August now, so we haven't started that yet. That's all I'll say about that.
John Dickson seems to really enjoy school and his teachers are great. I've even had trouble getting him to leave on a few occasions. He has made buddies with the lady at the front desk (Ms Wanda) and he works his charm on her to get stickers everyday when he leaves, one for each hand. He then moves them to his cheeks, and by the time we are home they are on his forehead.
John Dickson isn't a big TV guy, which suits me juuuust fine. He still likes his baby einstein videos, and he enjoys a good Sesame Street DVD, but other than that, he really just sticks to Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse. Oh, and his favorite Dancing with the Stars contestants are Evan and Erin (not together). His least favorite is Jake and he hopes Jake goes home tomorrow. I digress.
John Dickson's talking has taken off and he is using 3 word phrases all the time. His latest are "I like it" and "I take it", which he uses whenever he wants to take something with him either in the car or into the store or wherever. Nothing makes you feel better than to fix a meal and have John Dickson say "I like it." What can I say? He's easy to please. He also says "I touch it" which he started saying when he first saw the neighbor's basketball lying in the grass. His eyes got all starry and he just kept saying "I touch it, I touch it." So, of course, softy Nana went and got the step stool so she could lift John Dickson up to the basketball goal. Grumps thought he could do it... let's just say, not quite.
Happy birthday to our precious munchkin!!
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