I got this adorable outfit for John Dickson (well, the vest was compliments of his Aunt Leslie), and he enjoyed last Sunday at church, soaking up the millions of oohs and ahhs he got over his little hat. I mean, that hat is quite the chick magnet... he may want to hold onto that for later in life... (You may have to click on the picture to get the full effect). If you know me, you know I'm a hat person (for John Dickson, not me...), and I was mildly obsessed with this new outfit. Until... yes, you guessed it, attack of the Ellie dog. I just dont know what gets into her! Suffice it to say, it was a sad day.
On Sunday we took John Dickson to Build a Bear where he built his very first "scruffy puppy". He was so cute rubbing his face all over it, and they have a little bathtub that sprays out air and you can brush your new furry friend. John Dickson LOVED that part of his adventure, and spent a lot of time brushing out Mr. Grumbles (the name is courteousy of a Mr. Adam Dickson Kelley). The puppy is super cute and sports a pair of cowboy boots, but he is hiding in the closet until Christmas morning. Along with his very own brush.
This morning John Dickson had Thanksgiving lunch at his school, and this time Adam and I both got to go. Adam got there first, and got a big warm welcome from John Dickson. Then I showed up and got a big warm welcome from John Dickson. Then, John Dickson turned to Adam and waved bye bye, at which the whole room got a good chuckle. Of course John Dickson adores Adam and is long past his stage of playing favorites... I think he was just confused. I told Adam to lean in for a picture... check out John Dickson taking advantage of an opportunity to steal food from his daddy (quite the feat!).
John Dickson loves Thanksgiving - with his favorites being cranberry sauce and stuffing. You really never can predict what food he is going to love.
And in other cuteness, John Dickson is talking up a storm. He is also successfully signing! He is signing more, all done, please, and milk. He kind of is doing I love you. He is making kissing noises when he blows kisses or when we ask him for a kiss. He is mooing like a cow, quacking like a duck, naying (is that how you spell it??? Im not up to speed on my animal sound spelling) like a horse, and "la la la"ing like a pig, as that is what his Moo Baa La La La book taught him. (That last part isnt a joke). He also baas like a sheep and does a ruff ruff for little dogs. He pretty much does the entire Moo Baa La La La. He is pointing out every 18 wheeler on the road and saying "truck", and he has also recently started taking off his shoes in the car and slipping a sock on his hand to do sock puppet. He is voluntarily pointing to apples or pictures of apple and saying "apple." He says ball, shoes, socks, hot, no, bubbles, and I think he might also be saying book and some sort of ba sound for his blankie. He's finally taking off with the talking! Still no sign of mama and daddy (at least he doesnt call us that!). He has a few times, however, called Adam "Adam" when I am calling Adam from another room. Such a little copycat. Adam does NOT find this humorous. And he is learning to give kisses when he gets out of timeout... to whoever he has either hit or bitten or thrown a remote or picture frame at. While I am not a fan of the hitting/biting/throwing picture frames, John Dickson is EXACTLY what I wanted, and exactly why I wanted a little boy. I just love having a crazy little maniac running around. Keeps life fun. And hilarious.
Until next time...
ADORABLE outfit and I love the hat!! Is it from Janie & Jack? I was looking on their website tonight and saw one similar. I wish Austin would keep hats on his head, little boys in hats are just so cute!!