6: Paint samples I slapped up on the bathroom walls
3: Times now that I have seen the music video "Rockin' the Beer Gut"
25: Snake eggs my husband is currently extracting from a big fat dead snake (A day in the life...)
0: Days off I have left
15: Minutes John Dickson's tantrum lasted when I didn't get his banana cut up fast enough yesterday
4: Times we have been to the zoo in the past 4 weeks (Thanks Aunt Ash!)
2: Times we will have been to the zoo within 24 hours (Thanks Aunt Ash!)
57: Days until my sister ties the knot
3 again: Days until we find out if we will have a niece or nephew
11: Times I have run/walked 3 miles since I have been off
5: Number of Ks I want to run in October (anyone?)
60: Cookies I baked last night
Ok, that is maybe enough. Let's talk about how cute John Dickson is. The explosively happy running picture here is John Dickson spotting a steering wheel at the playground. The other pictures are John Dickson hanging out with our neighbor, Briley, who is 5. She adores John Dickson and he really likes her too. Briley is quick to stroke John Dickson on the arm and ask him what's wrong if he starts to fuss, and to try to make him feel better when she thinks he is upset (which is when he is actually going happy nuts). We had to pick up John Dickson from daycare today on our way to the zoo and Briley just kept saying that she couldn't wait to see John Dickson. TOO SWEET. Briley's grandma was talking to me about potty training and when Briley's first success was, and I asked how old she was... to which Briley responded that she was 9 weeks old. How funny are kids? Makes me excited for when John Dickson starts talking.
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