There is this place in Greenville called Snip-its that exclusively cuts kids hair. They have puzzles and movies while you wait, and then each chair has its own tv, bubbles, and a jar of treats. John Dickson's "stylist" was extra nice and let John Dickson have half her jar of animal crackers. Little man did really well during the whole haircut until the razor came out for the back of his neck. He really didn't like that... the bottom of the back is somewhat crooked, but its about as good as I could have hoped for with John Dickson. I was amazed he was as still as he was. But I don't have to tell you how much that little guy loves his food, and so the animal crackers worked like a charm. While we waited on Adam to get off work to attend the haircutting festivities, John Dickson and I went to Cleveland Park, and I thought this static hair picture was the perfect farewell to John Dickson's long locks.
The before:
The wait:
The main event:
The result:
Stylish, no?
The real result:
What a STUD!!!!
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