Lil man got a Rooty Jr and killed it.

Then Henry went to school while John Dickson and I went to Greenville to go see Rango, but alas the theater's power was out from the mondo storm we had Monday night, so we opted instead for some putt putt and race cars. John Dickson LOVED the go carts, but was less than thrilled with putt putt. After a few holes, he quit altogether, but before he did, he had just finished a hole and I told him to watch out. Of course he asked why. I told him I didn't want to hit him with my ball. So he spread his legs out across this thing, and seeing as how I'm quite the golf pro, my ball went straight through.

I later got a hole in one, but he wasn't excited for me. He actually didn't know where the ball went. ::sigh::
You may notice in the first pictures, John Dickson is sporting a mullet. In the putt putt picture, he aged about a year, and he's officially 3. AKA, he got a haircut. After that, we went to Whole Foods to get some strawberries and milk for a snack, considering all he had eaten that day was cake, pannacakes, french toast and some sausage. We then went to the horse farm to drop off our deposit and pet some horses and a donkey that John Dickson will tell you "showed us his hiney." There was a peacock as well, but John Dickson did not like him... at all.
After that it was mission: Tangled. He's been dying to see this, and since our movie going experience did not pan out, we decided to rent instead. It was actually a pre meltdown intervention at the theater being closed, and while I don't typically operate this way, it was his birthday. So we went to one of those express rentals. No luck. Went to Blockbuster. No luck. Called Adam to go to express rental. No luck. Adam went to another Blockbuster, and thank goodness - Tangled.
The rest of the night was spent watching the movie and playing with Jessie and Woody's new pal Bullseye. I hope it was a good day for lil man.
And in unrelated news, how much of a little man (not lil man - thats his brother) is Hennis???

Oh, and he says bye bye (more of a buh buh) and waves. It's adorable. Just sayin.
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