After the munchkins were done riding horses, they loaded the horses up with carrots. John Dickson fed the horses 3. When we first got to the farm, I thought John Dickson was going to explode. He was talking a mile a minute, ready to go see the horses and get his ride on. I thought we would appease him by letting him feed the animals in the petting zoo with some baby carrots, but the donkey tried to talk to him. And that was all over. Luckily after the other kids got there and showed him the donkey was in fact harmless, he joined right in.

Ella maybe was a tad confused.

After the animals, we had an Easter egg hunt. Adam got to hide all of the eggs - 300+. He was pretty excited about that. John Dickson takes his egg hunting very seriously!

I would not like to be between that child and a colorful egg. End comment five.