So my old college roommate Leslie came down to help me out and party it up. I'd like to say that I made this cake by myself, or at the very least that we contributed equally, but alas I can only take responsibility for the design (finding an example online is the same as designing, right?), the toys, the baking of the cake, and the coloring, rolling and cutting of all of the yellow fondant components. Oh, and I did suggest we make the pillow bigger. So I guess you could pretty much say I made the cake myself, right?

Well they say never to trust a skinny chef, and let me tell you, Leslie is a SKINNY chef, but I think this cake proves that theory wrong -

Lil man agrees.

Can I tell you that Leslie stayed up with me until 1 am, making cake?? Last year she stayed up all hours with me baking cookies and chopping pizza toppings. I love her.
We kicked off the party with some good old fashioned horseback riding. We had 2 horses - Haddie and Dusty. I was surprised at how quickly the kids latched on to the names and that they had a preference of which one to ride. In retrospect, I should have known that. I mean, I have one of those kids, afterall.
Lil man LOVES riding horses, and did not hesitate to jump up on one. He requested to gallop, but I think he was satisfied with a brisk walk.
Riding Dusty:

And Haddie:

Stay tuned.
Ok, I am just catching up on blogs. I am excited for the marathon of birthday posts. I am obsessed with this cake. John Dickson is a grown-up. End comment one.