Two - count them - TWO days left until work resumes to normal working hours. And that's good news for you, because that means the blog is going to come back to life. Well, its good news for you if you actually still bother to ever check this old dusty rusty blog.
I don't have pictures. I haven't taken any in WEEKS. But there's a few on facebook, courtesy of my blackberry, so feel free to mosey on over there if you need your fix.
We headed up to Maryland about 2 weeks ago for an uneventful-in-a-good-way check up for Adam. 20 hours in the car, 2 minutes with the doctor, and a lot of trail mix and Starbucks later, everything looks good. John Dickson and Henry stayed with their Granna and Papa, slumber partying with Ella, and the next morning the three of them teamed up for what I can only imagine was a very chaotic morning. Fortunately we found Granna and Papa is one piece.
Monday morning it was John Dickson's turn to see a cardiologist, and he was an angel the entire time. He didn't seem to care much one way or the other what they wanted to do to him, he just laid there and let them do it. I think he was a little weirded out by the EKG, but he kind of liked the echo - Finding Nemo was on the tv :-) The pediatric cardiologist we see is really great and is really great with kids. He told John Dickson he could hear dinosaurs running around in his heart and when it was time to leave, he actually got down on the floor with him to show him how to play with his new prize - one of those little cars that you pull back on and release and it speeds off. His heaven. Best of all, everything looked perfect.
On Friday John Dickson headed in for his adenoidectomy. He was pretty pumped about it because a) he wanted his throat fixed (we didn't know how else to explain it to him... but he knew he'd cough less, have a runny nose less, and "choke up" less, and he was excited about that) b) he knew he was getting ice cream for lunch, c) he knew there were presents involved, d) Toy Story 3 and "Dragon Movie" (aka, How to Train Your Dragon - turns out not so appropriate for 2 year olds - if you hear him talking about killing a dragon, just ignore). I was really most concerned about the no eating after midnight (more specifically, no breakfast or milk), but he didn't say a word about it. If you give that little man a heads up, he can handle just about anything. Anyway, they took him away in a little motorized car, which he LOVED. Shortly thereafter the doctor came out to tell us that John Dickson's adenoids were in fact big, something they can't tell without him undergoing anesthesia, so that was good news. Hopefully we'll see a difference very soon! Soon after that we went in to find a just-woken-up John Dickson, who was very upset and crying for mommy. Wait, no. Crying for Daddy. No... sorry, I get confused. He was crying for the car. Good to be needed.
In case you were wondering, they put little man to sleep using a mask and then they started an IV and did the breathing tube. When he woke up he had to prove he could drink before they would take the IV out. John Dickson downed an entire cup of apple juice without stopping to take a breath, so they took it out. I couldn't watch, so I held him in my lap and looked the other way. John Dickson stared at it and never made a sound. Easy breezy. Five minutes later he had a popcicle in his mouth and he was ready to go open presents. We were told to dress him in pjs so he could sleep in the car and just be moved to his bed.
Good one.
John Dickson did not even nap on Friday and we had a hard time slowing him down. On Saturday he complained a little that his head hurt, but he was still running and jumping on the bed and everything else, and almost all of a sudden he laid his head on one of our pillows and zonked out. It was a first. Ever. In his entire life. Including infancy.
That night he started running a 102.5 fever that continued until Monday morning. He was sleeping all over the place and on Sunday he started throwing up. On Monday we went back to the ENT where the on call doctor decided he had a virus. He barely even looked at him - I was not happy. We like our regular ENT.
So John Dickson stayed home Monday and Tuesday, but seemed to be pretty full steam on Tuesday. Adam took him to IHOP, because little man is obsessed with "pannycakes" and hadn't really eaten since Saturday morning. After that they picked up Henry from school and John Dickson used the potty there (its relevant, just stick with me). Then they went to get gas, where John Dickson started freaking out saying he needed to go potty. Adam ran him in but the water lines were off, so Adam just nixed the gas and went straight home. On the way John Dickson told him that he didn't have to go potty - he wanted "color drink." AKA Gatorade. And when they got home, John Dickson did not in fact need to go potty. Little stinker.
On Monday I let John Dickson cut up some foam with his saw, and as Henry got near him, he would say "watch out Henry. I gon't wanna cut you!" He also called me into the bedroom, holding my phone, saying "I have your phone for you Mommy! I gon't want you to lose it!" Pitiful as he was, he still had us laughing.
So that's about it lately. Henry has been eating us out of house and home, and has started to cry when we leave him at daycare. I don't think he minds being there, he just minds us leaving him. He's got that pouty lip DOWN. Breaks my heart. He's been babbling up a storm and makes some pretty sweet sounds. And he loves Ellie.
Today is Adam's birthday, so we've been trying to celebrate that. John Dickson has moved on as that was the last thing we had to get past to get to John Dickson's birthday. So like I said, he's moved on. I, however, will be spending tonight eating some homemade pizza and drinking red wine with the Ad-man, while hopefully watching a new Modern Fam. Henry will be snoozing :-)
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