So on Christmas Eve, we reminded John Dickson that Santa was coming that night. Might I remind you that we saw Santa 4 times this year, and 4 out of 4 times John Dickson told Santa he wanted Buzz and Woody. You may also recall that Santa stood in line for 2.5 hours to land said Buzz. So we tell John Dickson Santa is coming, and he says:
"Yes! Santa gonna bring me train. BIG train."
Psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhh. That was the sound of us deflating.
Me: Umm... did you tell Santa you wanted that?
John Dickson: No...
Thankfully that was the first, last and only comment he made about wanting a train.
John Dickson is a bit of a Toy Story freak, and all we could get him to say that he wanted were various Toy Story toys. So one night I asked him what he wanted...
John Dickson: Buzz and Woody
Me: What else do you want? Do you want anything besides Toy Story things?
John Dickson: Yes. I want a dog.
Me: You have 2 dogs. What else do you want?
John Dickson: A Barbie.
I had to remind him that Santa doesn't always bring us everything we ask for.
So all of this to tell you, we normally remove the bungee cord when we go to bed so that John Dickson can come find us in the middle of the night if he needs to or come in our room in the morning. We just knew we had better keep it on all night on Christmas Eve, or we'd wake up to the sounds of Buzz talking about his trillion carbonic alloy wings or Woody trying to find his hat. Sure enough, so I thought, I heard John Dickson crying at his door around 2am. I went to get him, but instead of wanting to see what Santa brought, he wanted to get in our bed. He woke up the next morning, and we actually had to remind the child it was Christmas. This is the child who never forgets ANYTHING, with the exception of the order of numbers. I was pretty shocked. So we actually had to convince him to go in the living room and see what Santa brought. John Dickson spotted Buzz and Woody, arms linked, sitting on the easy chair, but I think he was actually afraid to go get them.
He soon changed his mind.

"Oh! He's flying!!"

There is a certain tune that Buzz plays that makes John Dickson think Buzz is flying. Buzz flies all the time in our house, despite his wings not popping out. Which, by the way, not one day has gone by where John Dickson has not commented on the fact that Buzz's wings do not, in fact, pop out. I asked him if he'd rather have a Buzz who could move and talk or a Buzz whose wings popped out. He said a Buzz whose wings popped out. Man did we miss the mark on that one. We changed the batteries in Buzz's legs the other day and John Dickson begged us to put batteries in his back so his wings would pop out. Man, Santa... get it right next time, would ya?!?!?
This little dude had a good first Christmas!

Santa came to see him too!

The boys spent the better half of the morning playing with their new toys and then we made our way down to Columbia to celebrate with my family. To be continued...
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