Grumps and, for the next 2.5 months or so, his youngest grandchild, enjoying a little pre-Hollywild dinner at Five Guys. When my dad and Adam get together, its hard to avoid the place...

Nana and Grumps with their babies

Henry taking his turn driving Grumps' truck at Hollywild. Notice the lights in the background...

(Note: The blog might be a little Grumps heavy for a while... someone has been a tad vocal about the lack of pictures of him on the blog...)
Whiiiiich brings us to Christmas Eve. The night before was when John Dickson and I tried to make cookies for Santa and it turned into John Dickson Choke Up Fest. So, we got up early that morning to finish the cookies. I learned the secret to making cookies that actually turn out in the shape of the cookie cutter - homemade dough. The Pillsbury stuff puffs up like no one's business. Santa had some yummy snowflakes, stockings and gingerbread men that were actually sugar cookie men. They were still a tad crispy, because, lets face it - even at my best, I still cant bake. Have I mentioned that before? That's ok - from what I hear, Santa isn't too picky, and this guy was excited:

We've decided next year we are going to just slice up the carrots and throw them onto the roof.
And of course, you know somebody had to do a little taste testing...

I had to work that afternoon and didn't make it back in time for the Christmas Eve service, so we skipped it this year. Both boys were a little under the weather that week anyway, so we kept Christmas Eve pretty low key. In fact, we ate Ramen for dinner. Hey, dont judge.
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