I think I mentioned before, Henry is eating solids and is quite the champ at it! He's had green beans, peas, avocados, butternut squash and carrots. He eats his veggies twice a day and continues to drink milk like its his job, even at night... ::sigh:: Last night he ate 4 times. Granted, that was unusual even for Hen these days, but he still wakes up between 3 and 5 to eat. A couple times he made it to 6:30, but it would seem he let John Dickson know it was John Dickson's shift, as I still had to get up at 2am for Spiderman or Woody's hat related emergencies.
I think today might have to mark the day as Henry's official "Henry can crawl!!!!" day. He's been doing some pretty serious planks and doing the worm all over the floor, and he's been hanging out on his hands and knees as if he knows what he's supposed to do, he just cant quite figure out how to make his body do it. Trust me, I recognize it - I spent like 10 years doing the same thing in dance class. Anyhoo, he recently started doing the right motion with his arms and his legs, just not in unison. Today he made some pretty good strides, and did some official crawling. I predict by next week he will be flying through the house. He and his brother will be unstoppable. Don't be surprised when you see a white flag flying at our house. They win. We surrender. We just do.
For such a little dude, Henry has had a record amount of snow! He brought in his 4th official snow (he's 6 months - everything in this post is going to be "official") this week. This was particularly awesome, as Adam and I have not been to work yet this week. This is also the anti-awesome, as we have been trapped in this house for way too long. Not literally trapped, but more of a dont want to risk it kind of trapped. 8 inches of snow does not quickly melt.
Henry has really started playing with his toys. I don't remember John Dickson being this interested in toys at this age. In fact, we never really carried them around in the diaper bag, because it was kind of pointless. Hen, on the other hand, loves them! He has also started his obligatory baby obsession with electronics. The child is desperate for my phone.
Hen has several nicknames in our house, including Henry (just kidding), Hennis, Hennis Bear, and McGuinness. Even John Dickson calls Henry "Hen" and "Hennis".
Henry likes John Dickson's blankie, Buzz and Woody. How do I know this? Because John Dickson is the best big brother ever and loves to share his toys with Henry.
Henry has no teeth. John Dickson likes to remind us of this frequently. It was an observation he made all on his own, and he likes to keep us up to speed on the happenings in Henry's mouth. Hen loves to chew on things and loves to put anything and everything in his mouth, but otherwise shows no sign of teeth on the near horizon. I love this - toothless babies are precious.
Henry is much improving on his naps and is napping about an hour or more twice a day. ::angels singing::
Henry LOVES to laugh and smile. (Note - This is the only time you will EVER hear me compare my children to dogs - it's quite the pet peeve of mine; and no, I don't think owning a dog is good practice for having kids) Anyhoo, Hen is like a dog that way. So so so easy to make happy. We do this bit where I say "Hi" or "Mama" or I fake sneeze, and the child thinks it is HILARIOUS. See? It doesn't get much easier than that. He also continues to think his brother is HILARIOUS. And he is super duper ticklish.
Henry growls. Thank you, Ella.
That's about it! Stay tuned for Christmas posts and pictures in our Greenville blizzard 2011. At this rate, they should be up sometime in March. I mean, I kid, but seriously, its busy season. The joys of accountancy. In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of Hen's first Christmas.

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