My sweet John Dickson is 2 1/2!! He not only has a large vocabulary, but he talks like an old man! And by old man, I mean, a grown up. In fact, we were on Clemson's campus the other day...
John Dickson: There are a lot of bicycles around here
Me: What are you now, an old man?
John Dickson: Yes. A BIG old man.
He has also taken it upon himself to let Henry know everything that's going on when Hen wakes up. "Cars is on tv, Hen." In traffic - "we need to go around these cars, Hen" etc etc.
John Dickson has become really good at sharing! I try to always ask him for a bite of what he is having, just so he will learn to share with us like we share with him. He almost always lets me have "yittle bite" or he makes me lick his candy (that is usually unsolicited). He also gives me a piece of candy everytime he goes potty, whether I want it or not. He is pretty much obsessed with pudding, yogurt (CARS yogurt - it tastes so much better in that packaging!), and, you guessed it... fhru hnacks (thats "fruit snacks" in your language). He's actually just obsessed with all things "hnack." "No, I no want besses. I want hnack." "No. I no like supper. I want hnack." Other times, he argues over what meal he wants. He usually wants supper for breakfast. Kind of like me when I was pregnant...
John Dickson is getting pretty good at counting. He can recite 1-10, but he's just starting to really count objects. Letters confuse him, and he always wants to call them numbers. Today he told me the letter A was the number 3. His memory, however, is amazing. When I read to him, I leave out random words and he almost always fills in the blanks.
John Dickson loves Cars and Mickey Mouse.
John Dickson has fallen asleep on the floor behind his door two nights in a row. The night before that, we found him asleep in his bed with his sweater vest. Speaking of sleep, our bed was occupied last night by Adam, me, John Dickson, Henry and Bear. Must get a king.
The other day John Dickson took Elmo into Hen's room and said "Elmo eat my tummy!" He then proceeded to lift his shirt and feed Elmo. Then Elmo pooped, and John Dickson had to wipe him off. Of course I did not take pictures... and I would never put those on the blog!
Anyhoo, yesterday was 3 months for Hen! Fortunately he's still as small as the day he came home from the hospital.
You hush.
Hen continues to be an easy laid back baby. He's not a good napper and its even worse now at daycare. I guess I should say he's just not a good sleeper, because come to think of it, he doesn't sleep at night either. ::sigh:: I thought by the time I went back to work, Hen would be sleeping through the night, and I wouldn't look like a big tub of goo. Wrong on both counts.
Hen is a HAPPY baby. He's like a puppy - you barely have to do anything to make him happy - he smiles all the time. When I pick him up from daycare, he just grins ear to ear. He makes sweet noises and as I said before, he is laughing now. You have to seriously earn your laughs, however.
Hen is a wee bit lazy. He can sorta lift his head, but he prefers not to.
We have a lot of nicknames for John Dickson (JD NOT being one of them...). When we named Henry, I wondered what in the world we would call him. "We can't get any nicknames out of Henry" I thought... "We would have to call him 'Hen' and we're definitely not gonna do that!"
Wrong again. This is like a new record for me.
I think we've landed on a chicken costume for Hen for Halloween. Stay tuned.
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