I only wish I was kidding. And you see that "who me?" face? That's what you get the next morning.
Life is certainly different when you have kids, but these faces make it totally worth it...
And if we had never had kids, we would never have been able to have a superhero for a child! John Dickson has a superhero starter kit, and one of the pages tells you how to come up with a superhero name. John Dickson's name is "Mighty Miles" and he absolutely will not part with it. Today he gave Hen his name - "Doctor Elephant." I'm pleased to introduce to you, "Mighty Miles."
Notice anything familiar in the background??? A Halloween costume, perhaps? It's superhero city around here. The night after we got the costume in the mail, John Dickson woke up around 2am (seriously, we never sleep around here)crying for "red buggy." He wanted his costume. He knows what its called, he was just disoriented and confused. He slept with it like a blankie.
Anyhoo, I should probably get back to this one.
It's 8:41 and he is being put to bed for the 3rd time. The 3rd time.
Edit: I put that last picture on this post for a reason, but then I couldn't remember what it was and then he started crying and so I just wrapped it up. How I forgot, I do not know. THAT FACE IS GOING TO BE A BIG COUSIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's gonna be a big job for an 8ish month old face come April 4th-ish, but we are all pretty excited to have a littlest Libet on the way!! Yay to Lauren and Jared!!!
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