Did I mention we switched daycares? We don't have to get in to all that, you should just know that when it was time for Hen to start going, we decided to move both boys to a different school. And let me tell you. Hen is not hurting for any attention! I have had teachers who aren't even in his room tell me that Hen is their favorite. Supposedly whenever teachers go in to relieve Henry's primary teacher, they always go straight for Hen. He's "the most cuddly." And always smiling! Even the director goes in there to see him. When Adam went in the other day, Hen was being rocked and kissed on. He's quite the hit. It makes me feel so much better about leaving him there - my biggest concern with having a baby in daycare was worrying that he didn't get cuddled and loved on enough. It seems he is doing just fine!
John Dickson seems to enjoy the new school, and he's become a champ at singing his ABCs! I have started to think that he likes to mess with me and that he knows more than he lets on. He pretends not to know any letters, but when we were at Leslie's house, he got a W magnet off the fridge, held it upside down and said it was an "M", then turned it over and said it was a "W" and then held it sideways and said it was "number 3." However, we were looking at a Nautica add that had NAUTICA in big letters. We went through each letter with me asking him what it was and him telling me something completely wrong. What's that? Letter C. No, that's an N. What's that? That's a B. No, that's an A. You get the picture. We get to the last letter, and I think he might get it right - afterall, it is the 2nd A. "What's that?" "That's the number 3!" Little stinker.
We love Costco. You probably already knew that about us... we're not my in-laws - our Costco actually needs more customers than just us to stay in business, but we are there pretty much every weekend. I realized just how much when this conversation took place yesterday:
Me: What do you want for Christmas?
John Dickson: I want a fire truck
Me: What else do you want?
John Dickson: And some samples
And can I tell you my mom of the year moment last week? I went to pick up my boys, and I started to buckle Henry in his car seat. I got the top part buckled, and then he spit up. So I stopped and got a wipe and cleaned it up, and then we went and got John Dickson and got in the car. We got home and I got John Dickson out of his seat, and as I did, I happened to look over and notice - I never finished buckling Henry in. So, foregoing any potty mouth words in front of my older child who repeats EVERYTHING, I went for a more appropriate "OH POOOP!!!" John Dickson turned around and looked in his own car seat - then looked at me like I was crazy, and said "no..."
John Dickson had another one of those moments a few weeks ago where he thought I had lost my mind. He had thrown his tower fan yet again, and we had taken it away. It was pretty cool on this night, and I didn't know if John Dickson wanted his ceiling fan on or not, so I asked him. He said yes, so I left it on, turned off the light and I shut his door. He immediately started crying for his fan, so I opened the door and explained to him that his fan was on. He was still crying, so I turned the light back on so that he could see it (and as I type this, I realize he no longer says "roun and roun" - SAD!). Anyhoo, he looks not up at his ceiling fan, but in the spot where the tower fan normally sits, he squints his eyes, and genuinely confused he says "I dont see it!" Of course I had to put it back - that was just too cute.
Those are the latest happenings around here! There were a few hilarious things that happened a few weeks ago that I forgot to post, but you probably think it's too late to hear those now. No? Oh, ok!
So I take the boys to meet Adam at Mellow Mushroom on one of the nights Adam was working late. We're sitting outside having the best greek salad on the planet (yes, better than Zorba's), and a Chinese guy walks by. My child, who takes like 20 minutes to warm up to people he already knows, forgets he is shy and says "bye bye Mexican! Bye bye Mexican!" I kid you not - NO IDEA WHERE HE GOT THAT.
We were in the parking lot another day and John Dickson says "that's an old man right there!" I told him that was rude - he said "that's not rude, Mommy!" He was just stating the facts!
One of the most hilarious moments of John Dickson time happened probably even 2 months ago?? Fine, fine, I'll share. John Dickson hates to nap. We have to hold him down for approximately 90 minutes. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. It's awful. Adam normally does nap duty, and on the days where we win, I hear John Dickson's door open and close very softly, and a very disheveled looking Adam emerges. So I'm in the other room, and things are quiet. I hear the door very softly open and then shut, and I'm quite impressed that Adam has managed to do it again. I look up, and then I look about 3 feet lower, and there is a very triumphant looking little boy. Adam was asleep in John Dickson's bed. John Dickson had put Adam down for a nap. It. was. hilarious.
So while we are majorly backtracking, I have one last story for the books.
It seems every pair of shoes should have a good story, and boy does this pair have a doozy. It was a March day. Adam and I had recently gotten into a little argument because John Dickson was wearing an outfit that had a pair of shoes that went perfectly with the outfit, and Adam had put these shoes on him instead. What? I was pregnant. So Adam has it in his head that I have a problem with these shoes. Not true. Anyway, John Dickson and I were driving home from daycare (its a 25 minute drive). John Dickson wanted his window open. After a quick look back to make sure he wasn't holding anything that he could throw out the window, I roll it down and let him enjoy the spring weather. We are driving along, and John Dickson says "shoes go?" You have got to be kidding me. I'm sure I know exactly where "shoes go." We pull in to the driveway and I check the backseat. No shoes. Just as I suspected. So I call Adam, who was living in Columbia at the time, and now he thinks this is some master plan I have to get rid of shoes that I actually like. I swear up and down he is so wrong!!! (This has to be a record for italics in one post). The next morning, I am taking John Dickson back to daycare, and somewhere about 10 miles from our house, I see a cute little shoe, in the median. Now I'm really aggravated. What good is one shoe? It's just there to taunt me. I keep driving, and low and behold, the other shoe. In the median. Making myself late for work, I pull a U-Turn, pull over and run in the street to gather one shoe - back track and do the same to get the other shoe. Ahhh redemption. I take John Dickson to school and I still cant believe what just happened, so I tell his teacher the story. She tells me every time they open the windows at school, John Dickson throws all of the toys out. Little. Stinker. Here's the funny part though - John Dickson rides on the passenger side, and threw the shoes out of the passenger side. So they should have been in the street, thrown into the lane farthest from the median (which would be on the drivers side), but both shoes were in the median. It was like the shoe fairy delivered them to safety.
I wonder if the shoe fairy is the same as the rolling over fairy...
I love reading all your stories! It makes me want to be a fly on the wall in your house sometimes. :)