Henry went in for his one month appointment yesterday, and here are the stats:
Weight: 11 lbs 7.5 oz; 90th percentile (weight gain of 3 lbs 6.5 oz from his lowest weight the night he was born)
Height: 23.5 inches; 95th percentile (growth of 2.75 inches)
Head: 82nd percentile
That's a big boy!!!!! His 0-3 month clothes are no longer snapping, with the exception of some of the brands that run a little large. Everything else checked out great, and Henry didn't make a peep while the doctor examined him. John Dickson went too to try to resolve his chronic congestion. He has been on some allergy medication for the last 4 weeks and it seems to have done the job, so he'll be continuing on that. He also was an angel for the doctor, and he got a big Elmo sticker. They got it especially for him from the back, to go with his Elmo outfit, Elmo flip flops, and Elmo doll.
He is a big boy...and an adorable one too!!!