Henry is getting on somewhat of a routine - going to bed somewhere around 10:00, sleeping all night with only getting up to eat, always napping right at noon, and then the afternoon is when it all falls apart, schedule wise. Pretty good for only 4 1/2 weeks old! He eats every 3 hours, except for days when he eats every hour or hour and a half and then is visibly bigger the next day.
Henry is wearing 0-3 month clothes, but has outgrown several of those, and is well on his way to 3-6 months. He is huge! We go back to the pediatrician on Tuesday to find out just how huge. At the risk of being wrong, publicly, I'm going to throw it out there that I predict he has broken 11 lbs.
Henry has a love/hate relationship with his paci. John Dickson never took one at all, but Henry loves his when the mood is right :-)
Henry looks like his Daddy.
Henry looooves his seahorse. And quite frankly, there is quite the resemblance between the two. I'll post a picture of that soon.
Henry has the sweetest smile and we've been lucky enough to catch it a few times! (just not on camera...)
Henry is a happy go lucky little baby, and really only cries when he needs something. He has gotten over his distaste for diaper changes (and I think has come to appreciate them :-) ), but he does have one pet peeve - bathing. Between his love for being held and his mommy's love for holding him, its possible he has picked up on my non-daily bathing and is learning from my example. Whatever. Who wants to spend sleeping baby time bathing, when they could be spending it holding said sleeping baby?? They grow up fast.
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