Before we get to John Dickson though, a quick update on Henry Bear. We have been finally getting a nursery ready, and I'm hoping it will be done next week. We painted a few weeks ago (sidenote: no, we didn't use Powder Puff - we went with Fledgling, which I let Adam choose; the compromise was that I got to get this perfect lamp from Target that was chocolate brown and cream with stripes of varying width - it really was perfect - so we went to Target, picked up the lamp, which was wrapped in plastic, and nearly got up to checkout before I realized it was not in fact chocolate brown, it was black. Sad day and Henry does not have a lamp yet)and Tuesday night we got everything down from the attic and set up the crib. It doesn't have a mattress yet because we have to bring up John Dickson's new bed from Columbia so we can snag his mattress, but that is the plan for this weekend. He likes his glider, but we got him really excited about replacing it with his pottery barn chair, and he thought that was a great idea. So the glider is in the living room for another week or so so that he doesn't notice the direct movement from his room to Henry's :-) And hopefully tonight we will exchange his changing table for a toybox. So far he is being a good sport. I think the worst will be the diaper genie. We haven't used it in a year probably, but it is still in his room and he has recently decided it is his personal trashcan. We ask him to throw something away in the kitchen, and he says "dat one" and points to his diaper genie, and I just really don't have the heart to tell him no. I really think he is going to miss it.
In other Henry news, we had a very non-eventful doctors appointment on Tuesday. No news to report, which is good news. For the first time this pregnancy, I am measuring where I should be and not ahead of schedule, so maybe this little guy won't be so big afterall. Except... have you seen his dad? I mean, I'm not hopeful. And all of the food I either eat or think about all day long cant be helping.
On to the little dude -
John Dickson has been very full of himself this week. He was in the bath the other day and he was playing with his bath crayons, which I kept twisting the crayons up in for him, and he lined them all up on the edge of the tub and then started to turn to get a toy, turned back around, pointed to his crayons and said "Mommy dont touch this." Little stinker.
He also, I think, had a dream the other night (in our bed where he ended up after he stumbled out of his room, knocked down the vacuum cleaner and started to cry "hurt hurt") about the zoo. He was talking in his sleep - precious - and then when he woke up, the first thing he said was "I see big birds. I see elephants. I go zoo." We plan to take him to Riverbanks this weekend, where he will also now have to go to Monkey Joes, as I told him maybe Nana would take him and he has since talked about it nonstop. You're welcome Nana :-) He will also be riding in Grumps new truck, which he has also talked a lot about, except that sometimes John Dickson thinks that John Dickson got a new truck, so he and Grumps may have to have a little chat about that. He has gotten quite chatty about all of his grandparents lately, saying "I want Nana/Grumps/Granna/Papa" or talking about the things he is going to do with them. I'm not making that up to flatter anybody, its true. We also got to watch him on his video monitor the other night walking around his room in nothing but a diaper and his "Grumps hat". He tried to sleep in it, but sleeping in a cowboy hat is a difficult feat.
One day John Dickson will kill me for posting this story, but by then, blogs and computers will be obsolete, so maybe he'll never know. I hear John Dickson and Adam in the bath the other night - John Dickson apparently had a bit of an invisible injury, and I heard him in there - "pee pee hurt. Kiss it." Then hysterical laughter from Adam and telling him no, and of course John Dickson didnt understand, so finally Adam told him to "ask mommy." So he comes in our room, nothing on - "pee pee hurt. kiss it." And still couldn't understand, so finally I blew him a kiss and he was satisfied. Darned if you do, darned if you dont, I tell ya!
John Dickson for a while there was pretty obsessed with his tricycle helmet, and he would refuse to take it off. He would wear it for an entire weekend. He would wear it in the car... I'm pretty sure people thought we were super overprotective with our child riding in the car wearing a helmet. Either that or they assumed he was "special." The other day I was outside with John Dickson on his "bicycle" wearing his "hemmet" when the whole thing started to turn over. I grabbed his arm and managed to keep him from hitting the pavement, but he was sort of hanging there. He goes "ooooh no!! Upside down!!" It was quite hilarious.
We've been pretty relaxed with the potty training, probably because he doesn't really do it at school (he sits, but they say he doesnt go), and so I'm not in a big hurry. And he decided he would refuse to wear underwear, so he's been wearing diapers, but keeping them dry. We finally switched from jelly beans to skittles and he agreed to wear his underwear for a skittle. He went all day Sunday with only 1 tiny accident. So I think he is doing pretty well! The problem is probably going to be me not wanting him to wear underwear in public just so he doesnt have to use public bathrooms. Its just gross.
And he is FINALLY starting to sleep! (I think I've said that several times though, so maybe not). He still wakes up about once a night but goes right back to sleep, but he is quietly reading books in his bed before drifting off. Sometimes he has something weird that he wants, like one night we didnt duct tape him and he was sobbing in there holding the roll of tape, but for the most part, he either doesn't make a sound or quiets down after he gets whatever he needs. Another night he needed a book turned to a certain page - its like 100 pages and he wanted the one page that had a soccer game on it. If he could just sleep through the night... and he's starting to sleep in a little longer like he use to. For a while there he was waking up at 6 or 6:30, and now he's back to 7:30 or 8. Or in the case of last weekend, 8:45. Heaven. My goal is to have him sleeping through the night before Henry comes, but I'm pretty sure Henry will probably sleep through the night before John Dickson.
In other news, if you hear John Dickson pointing out "mommy's boobies-es", you can just ignore that. Thanks.
I just needed to mention that I shouldn't read your blog while I'm eating (as I just did). I almost choked. Hilarious! I can't wait until there's two little boys and to hear about their shenanigans together.
ReplyDeleteBahahaha well I read it anyway because I love all the John Dickson stories enough to hear them twice.