In other news, and in more important news, John Dickson had a terrible horrible no-good very VERY bad day yesterday. It all started with a family trip to Walmart. We turn into the parking lot and John Dickson throws up. Over. And over. And over again. All before we can park. We pull into a parking spot and get him out of his gross little seat. He had already taken his shoes off (surprise surprise) and so we just plopped his little bare feet into the next parking spot and stripped him down to absolutely nothing. We were also just the kind of people you'd expect to see in the Walmart parking lot. We wiped him down, gave him a new diaper, and dressed him in a pair of clean jeans we had in the car, a jacket, and some dirty socks. John Dickson had thrown up on his rain boots, and kept saying "uh oh boots". Yeah, the boots are the problem here... All I can say is thank God Adam and I were both there, and we couldn't have picked a better parking lot - a store full of cleaning supplies.
It doesn't stop there. Well, the vomit does. I went to go get my haircut yesterday afternoon, and when I got back, John Dickson was on his way to a black eye. Thankfully it did not turn into a full fledged shiner this morning, but it is a little puffy, a little bruised, and a little scratched. And unfortunately, the story doesn't sound much better than little dude looks. You see, he is mildly obsessed with "roun and roun." He LOVES to have Adam make the ceiling fan go "roun and roun." And so Adam had him up there and was spinning the fan and John Dickson was cracking up, and then they got too close and John Dickson took a fan blade to the eye.
Still not done. We have these picture frames that are animal shaped and they have the little clips that come up from the top and hold a picture. We don't have any pictures in them, but John Dickson loves to play with them. He has recently learned to link them all together, and he was just kind of swinging the 3 of them around, when all of a sudden... he whacks himself in the mouth and busts his gums open on the inside.
It was a rough, rough day for that little man. His appetite is almost back today and he is drinking like a champ. He pretty much has taken all of it like a champ.
Oh, and remember this?
Yeah, we don't recommend it. Turns out those Propst thighs can squeeze through the bars on the bottom and get VERY stuck. Then you have a screaming toddler, understandably so, and two adults sitting on the floor of the grocery store trying to be make shift jaws of life.
It's actually been a rough weekEND. Good thing DSS doesn't make surprise visits to our house. What can I say? We do the best we can.
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