Ready for bed with his puppy
Even more pathetic, no?
Last night was sleepless. John Dickson went to bed around 7, woke up at 8, again at 10, again at 1, again at 4, and again at 7. At his 1:00 awakening, I left his door open and our door open so that he could come into our room. Adam woke up at 4 with John Dickson in the kitchen pathetically calling "Mommy..." He was lost in the dark. So pitiful. So tonight we let him cry it out, for all of 3 minutes - we were so impressed! When we went back to check on his quiet self, he was back in his bed. We put a sheet on tonight and tucked him in like a bug in a rug, hoping it would keep him from rolling off again. He has 2 pillows by the side of his bed. We'll see! Here's hoping for a full night's sleep!
Bahahahaha I love picture number 2. He does NOT look impressed.