1. I would finally, after 21 long months that went by very fast, like to introduce myself and my husband: Mommy and Daddy. It warms our hearts like none other, and we are still eating up everytime we are called by our new names. Finally!!
2. John Dickson has started to refer to himself in the first person. I'm pretty impressed by this, because no one really talks to him in the first person. It's always "Mommy will get you milk" or "Daddy has to get something out of his truck" or whatever... I am at a complete loss for examples, but we do tell him "I love you". Well, when John Dickson is hungry he goes to his highchair and says "I eat. I eat." When he wants to sit on the kitchen counter (whch he does while I make dinner, and he actually eats many meals on the kitchen counter) he says "I sit. I sit." He also says this when he wants to get in our laps or sit at the kitchen table in a big chair like a big boy.
3. I got the bright idea to let Elmo drive the Prius one day, and ever since then... Elmo, and Bank, and sometimes one of Elmo's toys have to drive the car. I thought it was such an ingenious idea, until I realized it was here to stay. Oh well, at least if I get pulled I have a fuzzy red muppet to get me out of a ticket.
4. John Dickson has learned to take off his footed pjs. And his diaper. Duct tape or no duct tape. Oh, and he poops in his bed. Moving on.
5. Adam got this game for Christmas called Cabela's Big Game Hunter, and it came with a big orange gun. I let John Dickson pull the trigger while I aimed the gun, and together we shot many, many birds. John Dickson loves birds and we have to keep the blinds pulled so that he can bird watch in the warm house (what is up with the negative bajillion degree weather around here lately???). I don't think he understands the game. However, he loves to watch and points out the millions of birds, and then he says "shoot shoot". Then when the birds fall from the sky he says very sweet and innocently "bye bye". And a couple of times we have seen him come around the corner with the gun in his hands... he looks JUST LIKE Elmer Fudd. He walks like him, he holds the gun like him, he's short and stalky... and he just rounds the corner saying "bird bird". Too cute. And if you haven't picked up on this yet, everything John Dickson says is in multiples of 2, 3, 4...20. Daddy dear, I believe he's ready for that dove hunting.
6. John Dickson has colored on cabinets or walls a total of 3 times in month 21. The first time he drew on the wall we told him "no, no, no", and so he sat and watched Adam clean the wall (which, needed to be cleaned anyway thanks to Ellie) while saying "no, no, no" over and over again. I thought he had really gotten the message until...
That was actually the same mural, (see what I mean about the dirty wall?) but it did happen again...
7. John Dickson saw my friend Katy's brother in the backseat of a car, wearing a nice button down plaid shirt. John Dickson called him Daddy repeatedly. Signs that Adam wears too much plaid.
Until next time...
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