And for once, the very first time EVER, that is not a good thing. We dropped off John Dickson yesterday with my parents. He will be bounced around for FIVE NIGHTS (well, only four more) until we get to see that kiss giving chubby cheeked face again. He spent the night with Lauren and Jared last night and is hanging out with Lauren today. Tonight he will stay at my parents' house and will spend the day with mom on Thursday, dad on Friday, and I guess mom and dad on Saturday and Sunday. Adam and I are off tonight to Winston Salem, our stopping point on the way to Maryland. Adam is getting a new pacemaker on Friday morning. This is like surgery number bazillion and one, but if everything goes as planned, it should be his last for at least 7 years. Here's hoping. So, like I said, this Friday (which is really Wednesday) is 100% completely and totally the opposite of exciting. For us. Not for John Dickson.
Does John Dickson miss us? Ha. Hahaha. AAAAAAHAHAHAHA. No. Why would he? It sounds like his days are pretty jam packed. I have already talked to Lauren 3 times today, and it sounds like he has been eating nonstop, drinking Bob the Builder juice (Lauren took John Dickson to the grocery store, and apparently she is the sucker that I am not...again, score 1 for Aunt La La), unpacked his own suitcase, tried to cram a broom into Zoe's cage, and I believe he is destination Edventure today. Saturday he's is all lined for Monkey Joes, and I'm sure there will be other fun adventures (or, edventures... sorry, that was totally lame) in between. In fact, I would almost put money on my dad taking him to Hardee's on Friday. Dad, if you do, please dont tell me. Well, that is if they aren't dove hunting. My dad has been lobbying for this since John Dickson was in my belly and it was determined he was a boy.
Speaking of people in my belly, I completely forgot to post about our first doctor's visit. We were busy sharing the good news and didn't want people finding out via our blog, but we went to the doctor 2 weeks ago, saw the little soybean (who looked absolutely nothing like a baby) and even got to see the little heartbeat. Soybean (yeah, we took the name from The Office) was 7 weeks to the day, measured 1 cm long, and yet you could actually see a heartbeat. That to me is UNREAL. So tomorrow I will officially be 9 weeks. So... we probably started telling people a little early, but quite frankly, we had known for about 4 weeks and I HATE keeping secrets. Plus, I needed people at work to know why I was eating Cheez its at 9:00 in the morning and eating enough lunch to feed a small army. When I was pregnant with John Dickson, I didn't know nearly as early as with this one, so this may have been the case and I just didn't realize, but this time around, weeks 3-7ish were insanely hungry. I think we went broke just trying to feed me. Then came the nausea, which lasted a couple of weeks, but I think I'm all through with that (which would be consistent with last time, and I hope is the case). So if I could just start staying up past 8:00 PM, it would be time for the fun part to start!
Speaking of raging appetites, did I mention that this baby craves bloomin onions?? This could get dangerous... So far I have only indulged once, and it was John Dickson's first trip down under. Adam and I ordered steaks, mine well done, Adam's medium rare. You may recall John Dickson is 99.9% vegetarian, BUT... he has never had steak before. I gave him a few bites of mine, and he liked it, but then he had a bite of Adam's delicious red centered steak and that boy started shoveling it in. To quote Adam: "This is better than any paternity test"
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Bahahaha love it. The part about the steak paternity test, not the part about Adam's surgery. Just to be clear. But I DO hope that the surgery goes smoothly, and I wish you were coming to visit MY part of Maryland. I think you would have more fun- we don't do surgery at my house.