This is going to be somewhat of an abbreviated version of what I originally typed... and it only includes one picture, because I, in an effort to continue my Mom of the Year streak, failed not only to not charge up the camera before Christmas, but forgot to pack the charger altogether. I got one shot of John Dickson in his Christmas Cars PJs with matching slippers and some SERIOUS bedhead, Elmo and Bank in tow, and then the camera shut itself off. While I know a few other cameras were around at the Kelley's to hopefully capture a few good shots of John Dickson, and a lot of good video was taken by us, there was not so much as a flash at the Propst Christmas. This makes me sick. Everything just happened so fast... I walked in and Jared threw a big present into my arms... and then things just got so fuzzy...
We headed to Winston Salem on Christmas Eve just in time for some BLTs (I have eaten 4 since then, in case you are counting). John Dickson took a faux nap that included taking off everything from the waist down (no one would listen to my pleas to duct tape that diaper), and then we headed over to Erin and Jason's for some yummy food and drinks. John Dickson dug into some sugary cream cheesey roll up thingamajigs and later packed one for church (he may not take real pacis but he sure takes the food kind). It wasn't needed for a good while though, as John Dickson was captivated by the bat flying about the sanctuary. We could hear him a few seats down (with Granna and Papa) - "Where bir? Where bir? Where bir? I nnnknow! Where bir? BIR!! BIR!!! BIR!!! Bah bye bir..." This went on for quite some time. He was great throughout the whole service until he tried to color in the hymnal and refused to let me put a piece of paper in the hymnal for him to color on. Ahhh the story of every Sunday morning...
On Christmas morning everyone was up and waiting on John Dickson, who, for probably the very last time, slept in on Christmas (bat excitement is exhausting!). When sleepy head finally woke up, he got to see what Santa brought. Now, Santa brought John Dickson some bath crayons. NOT some bathroom cabinet crayons, as John Dickson thought, but some BATH crayons. Santa should be more clear next time ;-) (Kidding, of course, although the cabinets were blue). These were definitely a HUGE hit. You should just see our little Picasso at bath time. I'll be sure to post a picture soon. Really, I will. No, really.
Erin, Jason and sweet Ella came over for more Santa, presents and delicious food. Why is it that you can never not overeat on holidays? Holiday food is just too delicious... mmm I'm thinking about it now... my mind is very food tracked these days... anyhoo, had John Dickson been a little older, we would have been mortified at his complete and utter disregard for manners (which you could argue, he doesn't really have in the first place to disregard... not for lack of trying on our end, I assure you...) but that little man was just tearing through some presents (his and other people's). At one point, he opened a bag of clothes and threw them all over his shoulders, alternating left and right, until he grabbed the empty bag and flung it in Papa's face, I believe to distract him while he tried to open Papa's next gift. He was opening presents out of turn, sneaking some while no one was looking, and he emptied a box of shoes, turned the box upside down, then tried to get more out of the other side, and finally looked up and asked for "mo" (more). Like I said, a little older... mortified... however, this was just stinkin cute. Our little tornado had a Christmas blast.
After we were so stuffed I thought I could pop, we headed to my parents house for Christmas Day Pt II. We had some of my sister's famous some sort of cheesey hamburgery salsaey something dip that John Dickson ate by the spoonful, and mom's famous 7 layer cookies. I know they're popular now, but I'm pretty sure she invented them. John Dickson whirled his way through even more presents (this time half opening an ornament and then flinging it aside... boring! And I can say this because the ornament was from us). Nana and Grumps got little man a tent that connects to a teepee via a tunnel, and John Dickson thought this was absolutely, positively, one of the greatest inventions he has ever seen. The rest of the night and the entire next day were spent squealing and dashing through the tunnel. He then took a bunch of toys in his tent and would hand them back, one by one, only sticking his arm out of the tent. Too. Stinking. Cute.
All in all, a wonderful Christmas.
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