Thinking of making this blog more Kelley family-ish instead of just John Dickson-ish. But our lives and our thoughts are not all that exciting, so we'll see... In the meantime, here are some random stories and thoughts from this past week.
From time to time we discuss the possibility of a new littlest Kelley. (Keyword: discuss) The thought of two kids (especially one being tornado John Dickson) is a little scary, for me. Until I remember! I already HAVE 2 kids. And its not that bad! One of them spilled some popcorn salt on the floor while watching tv with me last night, and then wiped it up with his hands, which he then licked clean. I won't tell you who did that, but I will tell you that John Dickson doesn't eat popcorn yet, or watch tv at 10:30 pm. I do have to give him (still nameless) credit though... I have been fussing at him for leaving shredded cheese all over the rug (nachos), and spilling reeses pieces on the floor and then brushing the crumbs under the couch and into the edge of the rug. He did clean up after himself this time...
But back to John Dickson. So while I have been off, and still having to pay full time for daycare, I decided to use daycare as sort of a mom's morning out, maybe 2 half days a week. (Which is actually a mom's morning in, cleaning and painting). So last week I dropped off John Dickson and then stood outside the door watching him for a minute or two. This kid Tucker walked up behind John Dickson with what appeared to be a plastic saucepan held over one shoulder with both hands, and then beat him 5 times (5 times!!!) over the head with it. It was like watching an episode of Tom and Jerry. Poor guy was crying and his teacher didn't even see anything happen. Of course I went back in to hold him for a few minutes. Then when I picked him up that afternoon, all of the older kids were playing together and John Dickson was sitting by himself with a little toy. I know he is at the age of parallel play, and could care less that he was by himself, but it looked pretty pathetic. I can't imagine having a child with no friends, because that day really hurt my heart! I will say that his teacher said the bullying is usually the other way around, though.
John Dickson has been having allergic reactions to something at daycare, which remains a mystery. It's not food, but it is definitely something there. He had to go to the doctor last week with a red splotchy face, but some over the counter cream that I wont attempt to spell seems to be doing the trick. Anyhow, he weighed in at 24 lbs 3 oz. He goes back next Tuesday for his 15 month checkup, so we should have a height and some percentiles then.
And my favorite story of the week... I have been trying to get John Dickson to smell his scratch-and-sniff books and also the herbs we have growing outside. I have also been trying to get John Dickson to blow through his bubble wand. Both result in John Dickson sticking his face into whatever it is, but doing nothing. This is still really cute. So the other day I had been getting John Dickson to "smell" the mint outside, and I wanted to show off this new "trick" to Adam. John Dickson bent down and gently blew on each sprig of mint. It was funny, sweet and adorable.
And in non-JD related news, Adam brought home a 2 week old skunk that would fit in the palm of your hand. Supposedly they cant stink until theyve gone through skunk puberty, and therefore it was pretty darn cute. He also brought home a black rat snake. That wasn't cute. They are both gone now. Our neighbor's ex-husband is taking on the skunk as a pet (apparently you can also destinkitize skunks - yes, that is an Amanda Kelley original word - destinkitize). And the black rat snake went on to terrorize someone else.
Told you we weren't too fascinating :-) Until next time...
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John Dickson is just too cute! :)