This picture is John Dickson eating his breakfast at school. Look at my big boy eating his yogurt with a spoon! Come on now, could he get any more precious?
You can look but you cant pinch!!!
Aside from being out of town... John Dickson turned 14 months last month! He has come a long way just since his birthday... he is doing so well with feeding himself! He can actually climb up into his high chair, turn around, and sit down, all by himself. I have to be careful to wash his high chair tray and put it back immediately so he can't climb up unsupervised! We also have had to start closing the bathroom doors, for 2 reasons.
1) I was putting away John Dickson's clean clothes one day when John Dickson left me. I went to go get him, and found him with a Coke Zero can that had been in the bathroom trash (another new no-no). And yes, he was swishing it in the toilet. Which already had a tennis ball in it. No kidding people, this all happened in about 2 minutes.
2) That little dude can get into the bathtub all by himself! He is a climbing fool!
John Dickson also tried to climb his bookcase. I moved all of his books off because they were too tempting on the shelf they were on, and I didn't want to entice him to climb. But with the books gone, the shelf looked more like a platform than a place to house books, so it had the opposite effect. I was sitting on the floor playing with John Dickson when he decided to step into one of his baskets (on the bottom shelf) to reach the shelf that use to have his books. I was trying to pry his little hands off when the bookshelf suddenly started toppling forwards. Fortunately I was kind of over John Dickson, and he was completely fine. And I survived piggy banks in the head and picture frames on the funny bone. The bookcase is now gone.
John Dickson also LOVES to talk on the phone. He has always loved playing with our phones, but he has all of a sudden started to imitate us on the phone. He holds the phone face down on his shoulder and cocks his head to the side and walks around chatting. It's too funny! He really sounds like he is having a conversation with somebody.
John Dickson is also trying to put his shoes on, with absolutely no luck. He is no longer walking, but running! We try to put the dogs' water up while they are outside, but if we forget and John Dickson spots it, he takes off cackling in anticipation, and then splashes as hard as he can until we catch him. It may sound from this particular post that we are inattentive parents, but we are simply just slower than our baby hurricane.
John Dickson has been playing in his pool and his water table, and if the water is warm enough, he really enjoys it! He especially likes to get wet and then go play in the dirt. Which is ok with mommy! Little boys are supposed to be dirty... its a pretty good indication they are having fun. He does, however, get an early bath on those days, or at least a good rinsing off in the sink (which he LOVES).
John Dickson also has experienced the detachable shower head in the bath. Adam was spraying his back and John Dickson had his hands behind his head, and just kind of leaned his head back and grinned, as if he was getting a spa treatment or something. He has also done this when I have scratched the top his back. To be honest, I don't know how much more I can handle typing tonight. The more I go on, the more homesick I get! If you're still with me, you're probably getting tired of reading too!
I promise many more posts in the weeks to come, as I have the next 4 weeks home with John Dickson. It'll be the perfect farewell to my part time arrangement. Sadly, yes, I will be back to full time.
Until next time...
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