Has it really been almost 6 weeks since my last post?? Between working, studying for the CIA exam, soaking in the newness of a new town, and hitting all of the Janie & Jack sales (love this new town - and did I mention I can WALK there?!?!? I promise that's not why I took the new job...), blog posts and pictures have just been piling up in my head... and the bigger the pile, the more daunting the task seems and the less motivated I become. And at a 5 picture per post max, I just don't even know how to start... except that I know you are dying to see some pictures of John Dickson with his 'stache, and Henapen in his Peter Pan costume! Complete with Tinkerbell, of course!
"Awww... look at her in her elf costume!"
"What a cute pirate!"
Context clues people!!!
Even so, we had a great Halloween! John Dickson was thrilled to be Captain Hook. He insisted that he needed a sword, and seeing as how that would be the worst thing he could possibly have, we convinced him that he needed his free hand to carry his pumpkin. He did, however, get a hook. The first thing he said was "now I can really hurt spiderman." Like I said, no sword. Henahen loved his Peter Pan costume as well, crying when he had to take it off after he tried it on the first time. He also caught right on to the idea of trick or treating, using those eyelashes and baby blues as a distraction while he took piece after piece from each bowl. He insisted on holding Aunt Erin's hand all night, who had to remind him from time to time that this was "not a grocery store."
A little pizza, a little trick or treating, a big cousin bubble bath, a little impromptu dance party... it was a good night for all, except for maybe Adam, as John Dickson may or may not have danced in only his underwear and Ella's butterfly wings, and Henry may or may not have gone home wearing pink pajamas.
And as a side note, I went to a Halloween party last weekend, where I wore a little red riding hood costume. John Dickson saw me and asked "why you wearing a princess dress?" When I tried to explain the costume to him, he asked "how you be little red riding hood?" I said "like this!" He looked at me, confused, squinted his eyes, and then said... "Do it again..." He thought he had missed it.
And as another side note, Henry has a Halloween shirt that I had been saving for the big day. As Henry went to school in his Peter Pan costume on Halloween, I packed the shirt and a pair of jeans for him to change into. Someone, ahem, forgot to unpack the clothes from John Dickson's bookbag, and John Dickson came home wearing a 12-18 month shirt. That was pretty funny, but what really got me was the next day when he came home wearing size 18 month jeans. Or capris. You know, whatevs :-)
Many many more posts to come, including our trip to the pumpkin patch, Lazy 5 Ranch with Nana and Grumps, the SC State Fair, and some good ol fashioned pumpkin carving!
IHGB #366: Hallmark Christmas Movie Reviews
2 weeks ago
Love, love, love, love, love. Ahhhh, I wanna big hug from that little pirate and elf!! This was worth the wait <3<3<3