1. John Dickson has the memory of an elephant, and will now NOT be forgetting that for Thanksgiving we will be enjoying sweet potatoes with a marshmallow topping, grapes, and chocolate cake. Just like our ancestors.
2. Even though I told John Dickson we were having chicken chili for dinner (side note: kids eat chili in tortilla scoops), he was confused by all of the Thanksgiving talk and devastated that we were not having turkey for dinner tonight. On Thanksgiving. Tonight.
John Dickson is quite into Thanksgiving. I went to pick him up from school the other day, and I'm always interested in seeing what toy he selected that morning to take for naptime. I've seen some toys that have surprised me - Henry's sock monkey, a bear lovie he never looked twice at when he was bear lovie age appropriate, a hard plastic robot to snuggle up with, but never did I expect to find in his cubby a Williams Sonoma catalog. Presumably because of the turkey on the front. It's the only thing I can figure. Regardless, I was proud.
And in the spirit of digressing from the pumpkin patch adventure, have I mentioned Henry is talking full speed? Well, maybe not full speed, but he's certainly taking off. He's calling me "mama" (finally!!!!!), and I think he calls Adam "dada." He will repeat it if you say it, and he knows who "dada" is, and I think he calls Adam that... but I'm not positive. He does say John Dickson. He is also saying book, yes, no, please, more, uh oh, ouch, car, mine, Boo Boo (what the boys call Bear), hi, bye bye, and I'm sure there are a few others. Oh, and he counts to 3. For real. And he sings the "lala la la" from Elmo's Song.
Anyhoo... if you've seen our posts from Denver Downs Farm in Anderson, SC that I will not be taking the time to go link this post back to, then you've seen a pumpkin patch done right. We were sad to move away from Denver Downs, but excited to try this new place that promised to offer just about everything from our beloved first love of a pumpkin patch. Turns out their webmaster needs a serious raise, because homeboy knows how to make absolutely nothing look like something spectacular. And it was one of the coldest days we've had up here yet. Seeing as how we were all underdressed and the pumpkins were underpatched, we let the munchkins pick their pumpkins (which were all conveniently already picked and spread out across the ground... pumpkin patch my behind) and headed for a warm lunch in a heated building with three meltdowntastic munchkins. Despite all, it was a good time.
That pumpkin patch looks oddly familiar... :)