Nana and Grumps came to visit a couple weeks ago as sort of a bon voyage to summer. Ah the life of working in public education. There is an indoor putt putt place in downtown Greenville that we have been wanting to try, and it was hot as you know where that day, so we decided to go when my Dad challenged us to a game of putt putt - Dad and Mom vs me and Adam. John Dickson played too, but we just couldn't figure out how to count the strokes of picking up the ball and carrying them down to the hole, so he just played for fun. Anyway, we decided to play for $10, which was really just me agreeing to play putt putt and give Mom and Dad $10, because there was no way I was winning with ::cough cough::
someone on my team.
We played. We lost. We bargained to buy frozen yogurt instead of paying $10. And can I tell you how incredibly bummed I am that we waited until now to indulge in the heaven that is Blueberry Frog? All natural, no sugar added bowls of heaven, topped with mango so good it took us back to St Lucia. Guess we'll have to find us a new Blueberry Frog.
Mom, as usual, came loaded with books for John Dickson, and spent every non-putt putt Blueberry Frog eating moment reading John Dickson those books. If you care to hear them, I'm sure she could recite them for you...
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