As usual, I have tons to catch up, only this time I have tons of pictures to share too!! But for now we'll have to start with Henry's birthday bash, and save all of the other stories for another day. So I won't take this particular post to tell you about all of the crazy things my kids have been doing. Now is definitely not the time to discuss how John Dickson used the bathroom in the middle of dinner and then came back with wet hair "cause I stuck it in the potty." And I'll just wait until later to tell you that the reason was because the water was blue (toilet bowl cleaner) and he didn't know why. And I won't ask if that makes sense to anyone else as to why sticking your hair in the water helps answer that question. I'm just not going to do that, because right now, there's a birthday party.
Hennis McGuiness had a good turnout at his party of a whole lot of family and friends. We celebrated at Saluda Shoals, safari style, with hot dogs, the splash pad, cake, cake on the face, cake on the hair, cake in the diaper, and of course, presents. John Dickson was a little under the weather - he had thrown up in the middle of the night Thursday night, but seemed ok after that. We chalked it up to being John Dickson - thrower upper extraordinaire, and so I was surprised when he threw up again before the party on Saturday. He came anyway, and we soon learned he was on the front end of a very nasty 8 day stomach virus. He enjoyed the splash pad, but he spent some time laying around on the concrete and on a bench. He was definitely not himself. He did feel well enough, however, to try to trick his Granna into standing under a big bucket that periodically flips and soaks whoever is standing underneath. That Granna though... she can't be fooled.
Henry decided it would be awesome to skip his nap that day, so he was a tad cranky, and man did he ever HATE the splash pad. Emma skipped out on the splash pad festivities, but Ella seemed to have a great time, and per usual, she and John Dickson had a blast playing together.
As you can tell from the previous pictures, Henry really enjoyed his first cake eating experience. He may or may not have had a cupcake at school at 9 months, and I may or may not be pretending that that never happened. Anyway, Henry loved eating the cake, but really found his rhythym when he started rubbing it all over his body and in his hair. It was exactly how it should be done, and I plan on doing it myself on my 3rd 25th birthday next year. Unless I have a pink lemonade cake. Or a coconut cake. Some cakes are just too delicious to use as a conditioner. Henry especially loved everyone singing to him, and appreciated his big brother helping him out with the candle extinguishment.
Henry also enjoyed opening his presents. Tissue paper is just the best when you are just 1 whole year old. He was very excited about all of his gifts and has had a blast playing with everything. John Dickson was surprisingly good about letting the Hen have the spotlight and watching/helping him open his presents. I was quite impressed.
It was a lot of excitement, and Henry decided at the end of the party that it was time for a nap on his Granna. He. was. exhausted.
Thanks to everybody who came to celebrate and love on our favorite 12 month old! It made his day very special. Also thanks to my Daddy, the grill master, to my Mama for helping me shop and wrangle the munchkins (and kudos to her - that Saturday marked the 2nd time John Dickson has "choked up" on her - that's 2 times more than me!), to Granna and Papa for helping with the food.
And now for the pictures... in order of what's on my computer:
Hennis with Aunt Ash! Finally - a picture of the two of them exists!!
Sweet Emma with Sweet Grandy. So glad he could be there to make Henry's day that much more special!
Nana, Great Uncle Mike and the Hen!!
Me with Betsy, Brandon and Ashley
And the Hen gives Emma a kiss... he's going to start earning a reputation for being the kissing cousin.
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