My husband... the man who brings home random box turtles, can speak perfect jibberish in french, cooks some mean scrambled eggs, could win a Dwight Shrute impersonation contest, knows every piece of useless trivia, and secretly watches Food Network. He makes our son laugh in ways I will never be able to, and turns into putty when he is around the crazy munchkin. The love of my life.
The brains behind the blog... the reason posts won't format and backgrounds are months before the coming holiday. I'm a pretty simple girl... I love to cook, love birthdays, holidays, weddings, and babies. Frequently eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's in one sitting, and love chocolate cake with sprinkles. I love my family... every last crazy member of it! I'm a lucky girl.
John Dickson
Our crazy munchkin who loves being outside, eating massive quantities of food, having a good pair of shoes, playing with his dogs, dancing to Michael Jackson and Miley Cyrus, and giving big slobbery kisses! He loves being a big brother and watches out for Henry! Beautiful, fuuny & alarmingly smart.
Our sweet baby boy who loves to eat, sleep, be bicep curled, loves his seahorse, and enjoys a good ceiling fan or a variety of overhead lights. He's big on smiling and making sweet sounds, and he especially smiles for his goofy big brother.
Bear & Ellie
Our children who use to be included in the Kelley Christmas card. Our furry babies who now have their ears pulled and eyeballs poked out. Our crazy dogs who now get 17 treats a day from our people munchkin, and who eat his toys in return. Our faithful pups whose lives have been turned upside down since the arrival of John Dickson and yet continue to warm our feet at night. Our first babies.
This is hilarious! Compared to John Dickson's 1st birthday pictures - I think Hen out did John Dickson in the messy birthday cake eating