I have been so awful at blogging lately and I am afraid I have missed many many funny things that have come out of John Dickson's mouth and now I can't recall 75% of those, but we'll see what I've got stored up in my big ol head.
I referenced this in my last post, but Henry was crying the other day and John Dickson went over and kissed on him. When that didn't work, John Dickson said "it's ok Henry, nothin's gonna eat you." We nearly died.
A few days later, John Dickson was eating a strawberry and got a leaf in his mouth. When he pulled it out I said "you bit a leaf buddy!" and he laughed in this way he does sometimes when he thinks something is both funny and impressive and he goes "That's bad news!!"
When John Dickson is misbehaving, we frequently tell him "you're gonna lose ____." So if he is throwing his toys, we tell him he's gonna lose the toy. If he's whining about his food, we tell him he's gonna lose it. You get the picture. So John Dickson was upset with me the other day and he said "You're gonna lose your grown up candy!"
Yesterday I was painting my toenails and John Dickson wanted me to paint his toenails too. You may recall this exact same scenario last May when he then proceeded to grab the open bottle of nail polish, run away and then hurl it across the room. This story has a better ending, thankfully. So I told John Dickson no, that was for girls. He then said his toenails hurt, and he needed nail polish. I told him I was painting them to look pretty, because I'm a girl, and I wasn't painting them because they hurt. Seeing he was in serious Jeopardy of walking away empty handed, he said to me "Need candy to make my toenails feel better."
Well played, my man. He got some candy.
Last time I was in Columbia, mom and I took John Dickson to the mall. We went to the Limited so I could try on some dresses, and while I was in the dressing room John Dickson apparently stole a purse off of a manequin, said "thats cute!" and then proceeded to wear it around the store and tell strangers about his purse. He has also been begging for a Barbie ("no buddy, Barbie is for girls") and then for Ken ("I want Ken - Ken is a BOY"). Thank you Toy Story. And on multiple occassions he has referred to his pajamas as "my dress." And don't get me started on the you dont wear panties you wear underwear argument. So imagine my surprise the other day when I tried to get John Dickson to put on a short sleeved t shirt and he adamently protested - "No! I don't want to wear that! That's for girls!!!!!" Little man is a bit confused by the change in seasons.
Little man is also confused about the birds and the bees. I'll have you know he has both a baby sister and a puppy in his tummy. Don't even get me started on the "I want a yittle sister" speech. No sir. No way. No how. Absolutely not. How about a Buzz whose wings pop out of his back?
John Dickson has gotten into the habit of eating breakfast 3 times every morning. He has a breakfast at his "yittle table" before he leaves for school. He then has a bag of cereal in the car, and then he eats breakfast at daycare. Today I finally asked his teacher if he eats a lot in the morning, and she said "Oh yes. Last week we had french toast and he ate 6 pieces." 6 pieces. Good gravy. She was also impressed by the amount of syrup he was able to lap up with those pieces of toast. The kid is impressive, I will give him that.
And last night I melted into a big puddle. We were kissing John Dickson good night and I hugged him and said "I love you." He said "I love you so much" Yep, the "so much" was completely unpromted and he's never said it before. He then asked me to lay in his bed with him. The child is a genius. A GENIUS.
We were eating dinner one night and Adam and I were having a discussion when John Dickson just interrupted to say "I already asked you the question." We started laughing and verified the statement. He said "Yes. All the words are out of my tummy." Where does he come up with this stuff??
That's all I have for now, but I feel the need to point out the fact that while John Dickson seems to love all things girly, the child is obsessed with all superheros, animals, tools, trucks, monsters and fake guns made from his hand, his tie, his blocks, his golf clubs, the list goes on.
And pretty soon we are going to have to have The Hen Thursdays, as Henry played his first joke on us. We heard Buzz talking in spanish and playing music, and we went into the living room to find Hen on the floor working the remote control. It was pretty darn cute.
Stay tuned for pictures from Henry's baptism yesterday! In the meantime, I give you John Dickson "in the baby house." Ignore the ghetto drying racks in the background. And the fact that the ghetto drying racks are in the living room. We were mopping :-)

This post just made my morning!! You have one smart and funny (almost) 3 year old! I miss y'all!! Can't wait to see pics of Hen's baptism!