We were really fortunate to have his godparents stand up front with us during the baptism. I have known Betsy since we were in diapers. We grew up together in church, in girl scouts, in school and in hi steppers. My freshman year of college my family moved in next door to hers and it has guaranteed we get to see Betsy and Brandon everytime we are all in town. I met Brandon in ::cough cough:: marching band ::cough cough:: - in my defense, I was a hi stepper. But he and Betsy have been together even longer than Adam and I, and we love them both. We are truly lucky to have such amazing people to be Henry's godparents.
I know, I know, this blog isn't supposed to be mushy. No worries, I'm done. But seriously, we love them.

After the service we had lunch at the church with an impressive number of family and friends, many of whom traveled a little ways to be there. We're also really blessed to have such a big and supportive family. What - I'm sick and not feeling my sarcastic self.
I searched for months for a bowtie for little Hennis to wear on Sunday after the service and I finally found one Saturday afternoon. We packed that along with 2 other back up ties, you know, in case there was a neckware emergency, but wound up using none of them. Henry was ready to nap as soon as we changed his clothes, and by the time he woke up, it just didn't happen. But doesn't he look dapper in his suit anyway?

And those baby blues...
Anyway, after we took pictures in the sanctuary, I temporarily lost my camera. I have a really bad habit of doing that during the important times. I did manage to get Hen with my parents -

And I got this sweet picture of John Dickson and Ella Boo.

I've said it before and I'll say it again... we are the lucky ones, my friend! Love that boy and can't wait to be with y'all again! You mean so much to us! <3