2 year olds are hilarious, plain and simple. They are also thieves. Last week Adam went to pick up John Dickson from school, who ran to him. Adam scooped him up and they left. Out in the parking lot, John Dickson got a proud little grin and quietly said "I have piggy outside." He had stolen a pig from daycare. I'm sure he was excited to have the pig outside, as he has been told multiple times to quit throwing toys out the window... anyway, Adam figured they'd just return it the next day, so he let John Dickson take it with him. John Dickson got buckled in and said "I have piggy in truck!" He was too excited. When it was time to get the pig to take back to daycare, John Dickson said "Daddy get it." I told him Daddy doesnt know where it is. He said "Mommy get it." I told him only he knew where it was. He said "I cant reach it." I found it wedged into the handle of the washing machine. Little stinker.
The other night at dinner, John Dickson got the same proud grin on his face, as he spastically yelled "Ameda!!" over and over again. Who is Ameda? Ameda is Amanda, formerly known as "Mommy."
John Dickson continues to be creative in his tactics to get out of his bed. Or to avoid going to bed. Last night, instead of going to bed, he claimed he wanted to "look at Henny." So, naturally, he won.
Lastly, John Dickson has been telling little fibs about going to the potty so that he can get candy. He told us that he "went pee pee" the other night. We looked, the potty was dry, and we told him he did not in fact do anything. He said he did. We said he didn't. He picked up his potty, turned it over over the big potty, and said "I already did it." For someone so smart, he sure thinks little of our intelligence!!
Oh well, we love him.
For the next several days, any time I am overwhelmingly exhausted or on the verge of tears, I will just think of that little grinning face announcing "I have a piggy outside" and all will be well with the world.