Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy 4 months... to us!!

Monday officially marked 4 months of no credit cards for the Adam Kelleys!!! I especially didn't think I could do it... with the shiny rewards trying to drag me back in... wearing the same old clothes to work everyday... which, by the way, use to go unnoticed, as I worked in different places all the time. Now I am in the office most of the time and people start to look at me strange, as if they've seen that exact same me just one week before... And let's just say the people at Moe's no longer know Adam by name. But it hasn't been as hard as we thought, aside from having to miss out on a few fun things, like Enga's wedding or Brew at the Zoo. And with some things, we are just learning to live without... like a dishwasher. But hey, its made a noticeable difference in our power bill, so there's some lemonade for ya! Overall, we've decided we are pretty big fans of cutting up the plastic.

John Dickson will be 17 months on Saturday! Such a big boy! We are starting to get some of those household duty benefits of having a child... he throws away all of his diapers and also throws away the lint from the dryer whenever I am doing laundry. But we do have to watch him, because he will pull a piece of paper off of the counter, crumple it up, and trash it. He also LOVES to sweep and mop. I just wish he really knew how! That could really come in handy :-)

John Dickson continues to give the dogs treats, and he has taken on a new favorite... giving Miles water. Miles is our gecko who hides in our room and eats expensive food. I'm still not sure why we have him... he doesn't like us. Anyhoo, John Dickson loves to get the little bottle Adam uses, takes it to the sink and "asks" us to fill it. We do, and then he goes to the tank and waits to be picked up so he can pour the water into Miles' dish.

John Dickson also continues to blow kisses, but is doing it much more consistently now, and has added the "mah" sound to it. Too cute. And that little kiss blowing mouth has added 2 teeth in month 17. Adam was pretty much gone all last week, and by Friday night, I was going nuts. I think Adam and I were both relieved to see that it was because of tooth #8 that popped up Saturday morning. A teething John Dickson can be a handful!

Also in month 17, John Dickson bought his first boat. I treated myself to treating John Dickson to a new toy, picked out by the little man himself. It was my (and his) reward for me going back to work full time (almost). He also got his very first markers, which, by the way, do not come with caps. Riddle me that. They advertise that there are no tops to lose... because there are no tops!! These aren't like markers that you click in and out... they are little egg shaped markers, perfect for little hands, and they have no tops. This really bothers me. Who makes markers for toddlers that cannot be closed?!?!? I bought them. Which is worse? John Dickson's first masterpiece is tucked safely away in his memory box, which happens to look a lot like a diaper box. Huh. It's nestled between my identical birthday cards for 24 and 25. Ugh, I'm 25... please tell me that is not yet pushing 30.

I leave you with a laundry tip. Never let your toddler feed himself mandarin oranges. In the event of mandarin orange stains, do not use stain remover. After some internet research by my husband (I didn't even ask him to! He's such a good daddy :-) ), apparently stain remover causes the orange stain to set. Who knew? Now you do. Ugh, and John Dickson happened to be eating said oranges over the weekend, when he gets to wear my favorite of his clothes (daycare is ROUGH on some clothes!!), and now we are down 3 or 4 favorites :-(

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