It's that time... John Dickson is entering that stage... the one where when he gets in the car after school, he immediately needs his shoes off. But then he immediately needs them on. But then he doesn't want them on. The one where he goes in our closet and pulls out every single stinkin shoe and sits in awe in the middle of his treasures for about 10 minutes. The one where he not only needs shoes on, he needs THOSE shoes on (whichever they may be). The one every child goes through around 18 months... wait, what? Just him? Oh.

I leave you with a picture of John Dickson's new favorite way to sit in his chair... on the arm.

As an aside, we finally have a solution to John Dickson's post bath shoe needs... check him out in his new Cars slippers. They kind of go with his pajamas that say "Daddy's hot rod." Yes, those pajamas are weird. We agree.
You may recall an earlier post about how ever since John Dickson became mobile, things have started showing up in the strangest places. Well, yesterday Adam searched and searched for his work cell phone. He finally gave up and went to work without it. John Dickson and I were sitting in his room playing basketball, when I noticed something suspicious... take a look...
This afternoon, John Dickson disappeared into the kitchen. When we went in after him, we found him sitting in his high chair with the world's biggest scowl on his face. I mean, he was giving us a serious mad expression. Apparently we were late on snack time... I wish I had gotten it on camera, because it was one of the funnier things he has ever done.
Also not captured on camera was John Dickson's new grocery store trick. Now, I think I've eaten my words a few times on things I said I would never do or allow as a mother. Had this ever occurred to me as a possibility, I'm sure I would have spoken the very words:
"I will never let my child mop the floor with his back in the grocery store"
However, this did not occur to me. So I'm not really eating any words here, am I? If you saw John Dickson at Lauren's wedding or rehearsal dinner, then you know his new dance move. It goes something like this: run, run, run, sliiiiiide onto the floor, roll over on his back, grin. repeat. Apparently, this is not just for weddings anymore! This is a grocery store favorite. We had a family trip to the grocery store yesterday (I am no longer daring enough nor have enough arms to take John Dickson alone) and Adam made sure to thoroughly sanitize the cart, you know, for swine flu prevention or just general santitation, and then John Dickson laid all over the floor. Only now he has incorporated the backstroke into it, and he scoots around on his back in semi-circles. There was no one around really to see, except for one older lady who just said "I feel that way too." And we just let it happen... It was just too funny not to.
I leave you with a picture of John Dickson's new favorite way to sit in his chair... on the arm.
ReplyDeleteI went to high school with your sister and stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago after following a link from another blog I was reading. I just wanted to say hi and tell you that your little guy is so stinkin' cute! I love reading your stories about him, it makes me just want to spend a day in his company to see what he'll do next! I told my husband about the pillow incident because I just thought that was so hilarious.
Anyway, just wanted to say hi and that I love reading your blog!