Friday, April 24, 2009


John Dickson has this very distinct yell that means "help!" The first time he used it, he had gotten his arm stuck in the end table. The second time, he was pushing around the tub that we use to elevate the dogs' food and water, and he couldn't get through the high chair and the cabinets. The third time was yesterday.

John Dickson was pushing our collapsable mesh hamper around, taking all of the clothes out, putting them back in, throwing in some toys, and then moving to the next room to repeat. (His new thing is pushing baskets around the house and collecting things as he goes). So he had gone out in the hallway, and I was in the bathroom getting ready to go to a meeting, when I heard him yelling for help. I went out, and he had completely emptied the hamper, crawled in, and he couldn't get back out! I ran to go grab the camera, and when I came back, this is what I found:

I don't even know how that happened! That little man is A MESS. We also went back to the playground and zoo yesterday, and below are a couple of pictures from that. I think when we went on Saturday there were just too many people, and John Dickson was a little overwhelmed. But with practically no one around, he spent a long long time looking at all of the animals and watching them move around. He wasn't smiley or laughing, but he was very observant and interested and just took it all in.

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