Can you believe how fat this baby is?!? He goes in for his 4 month check up on the 23rd and we'll know the stats, but I have the feeling he weighs about 35 lbs and is in the 4,847th percentile. I guess we will see. At any rate, The Hen, The Hennis, Henry Bear, Henry, whatever you want to call him, is 4 months old today.
Henry is a rolling machine now and loves to lay on his back, thrash his arms and legs wildly and roll back and forth. He's very talkative these days, and he still remains in the 2 member club "People Who Like Mom's Singing."
Henry is taking 5 ounces every 3-4 hours, and continues to wake up at least every 3 hours at night. Last night he got up 8 times. It's why he's so... what was the term Karin used to describe him... roly poly.
Henry loooooooooves bath time and is a splashing fool!! He's gonna be a water bug, just like his Nana. Did you know my mom got a medal in the Jr Olympics for swimming? You learn something new everyday.
Henry continues to love his seahorse, and has actually started going to sleep like a big boy all by himself with it.
Henry's going to be a big cousin in April to a sweet baby GIRL!!!!!! We cant wait to meet little Emma and her giant headbands.
He's our roly poly cuddle bug and he's 4 months old!!!
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