Occasion #1
Adam: What does a giraffe say?
John Dickson: Honk Honk
Occasion #2
Adam: What does a giraffe say?
John Dickson: Pump Pump
Occasion #3 - seeing a giraffe at the zoo
John Dickson: Jaff honk honk!!
While reading a book
Adam: Where is the hoopdehoop?
John Dickson points
Adam: That's right! What does a hoopdehoop say?
John Dickson: honk honk
John Dickson trying to put a necklace on Adam
Me: Is Daddy beautiful?
John Dickson: Daddy boo-full
Me: Is Mommy beautiful?
John Dickson: No! Daddy boo-full
Me: Is Mommy pretty?
John Dickson: No. Daddy pitty
Me: Is Mommy fat?
John Dickson: No. Daddy fat.
John Dickson discovering and identifying a Batman action figure
John Dickson: Ohn Daason!!! (translation: John Dickson)
John Dickson wanting to flush the toilet
John Dickson: I flush it
Me: No, you need to pee pee to flush it
John Dickson: Mommy potty
Me: Mommy doesn't need to go
John Dickson: DADDY!!!! GO POTTY!!!!
John Dickson climbing on his potty trying to get the bribery jelly beans on the bathroom counter
John Dickson: I eat daay baaaains (said with a MAJOR southern accent)
Me: No, don't climb on your potty
John Dickson: Daaaay baaaaiiiins
Me: No, you have to pee pee for a jelly bean
John Dickson after much thought: Sit counter?
Me: Nice try
John Dickson seems to be understanding more what a new baby means, and he does not seem fond of the idea.
Me: Where is Henry?
John Dickson: Henry bye bye.
Driving past McDonalds the other day
John Dickson: AckDonals
Why is this noteworthy? Oh, because he has never been to McDonalds. At some point he learned to read.
Talking about Adam's truck
John Dickson: Mommy's tuck
Adam, who takes this very personally, even though he insincerely offered to trade vehicles with me after wrecking my car: No! Daddy's truck
John Dickson: Ohn Daason's tuck
Adam: No, Daddy's truck
John Dickson in a very low whisper: Ohn Daason's tuck
And lastly, I came in to re-tuck John Dickson into his bed and he took his Elmo, turned him over a couple of times, and then asked me very confused, "Ears???" An astute little toddler he is - Elmo has no ears.
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