EY Christmas party - AKA John Dickson's night to live it up with Aunt Lauren and Uncle Jarey! They let him stay up late, watch R rated movies, eat sugar straight from the bag and drink some beer. All in all he had a terrific time with 1 of his 2 favorite sets of aunts and uncles!! PS Uncle Jarey - if you're reading... I had my first Krystal burger the other day and these are my thoughts:
1. I was very impressed the "Krystal" came the exact way I order my burgers - Mustard, pickle and onion (but hey, I dont have to tell you that, right?) And NO KETCHUP!!! ROCK MY WORLD!!! (Yep, I said it)
2. Otherwise, gross city. Sorry.
John Dickson playing with the bow from Great Grandy's present. The bow did not have a tail when I wrapped presents, but somehow it got longer and longer every day. During John Dickson's sick couple of weeks, this was one of the very few things that made him happy. (Can you tell he doesn't feel so great?!?) Also below is a picture of him on his worst sick day... pathetic, right?
Feeling good again and enjoying the tree. We had to move all of the ornaments to about 2 feet off the ground.
Christmas Eve outfit. I could just eat him up!! John Dickson had a super fun first Christmas Eve at Aunt Lauren's house where he had his first Chanakuristmaseve dinner. Yep, that's right! And it was deeelicious. He also had fun playing with his Great Uncle Mike, Great Aunt Marianne, Great Mimi, Great Grandy, Pop Pop, Granny Pants and Uncle Jarey.
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