Wow, it has been forever since we've posted! John Dickson went to Asheville for a week and then to Charlotte for a week, followed by a weekend in Winston Salem, which left little time for blogging. In the meantime, John Dickson learned how to roll over from his back to his stomach (before he could only do his stomach to his back). Now any time he cries himself to sleep we run in to make sure he's alright! Of course he always is... On the same note, last weekend John Dickson moved out of our room and into his new digs. He's a pretty happy baby now when he wakes up to see his dinosaurs.
John Dickson has also recently become quite enthralled with his hands. Quite often you can catch him with his fist held out in front of his face. The rest of the time he is either sucking on his thumb, or various combinations of his other fingers, or he is sticking his fingers in his, really. We are starting to think he may be left handed, as he sucks on his left hand, has been grabbing with his left hand, and always rolls over to the left. That will be another John Propst trait he will have to add to his receding hairline!
Some other favorites include riding in the car with the windows down, spending time outside, light fixtures and ceiling fans, his bug rattle that straps to his wrist, dancing, practicing his hula hoop moves, and trying to catch some water in his mouth during bathtime. And today he laughed at his mom's monkey impression - it was pretty awesome.
All of John Dickson's time spent on his "gym" must be paying off, as his legs are STRONG. He can stand up completely on his own, propped up against us for balance. He loves standing and appears to still have the walking reflex, so we have been having fun walking him around. He has also fallen in love with his Clemson baby papasan chair, and is content to sit in it and watch us eat dinner. He's pretty excited about tailgating with it this fall.
John Dickson had a great time the past 2 weeks hanging out with his maybe "Nana" and his Granna. If he wasn't spoiled before that, he sure is now! 2 weeks of grandma time... how could he not be? He got to spend maybe Nana's birthday with her and had a 70s dance party with his Granna. He also wore his scrubs for the first time when he went to Dr Aunt Erin & Dr Uncle Jason's house for dinner and to assist with any surprise surgeries. And he got to see Ashley Mamele again while in Charlotte!
Other than that, John Dickson is still growing like a weed. Yesterday at the grocery store someone said "awww, what a pudge." Aaand he is. All of his 3 month clothes are packed away, and he's working on packing away his 6 months. Most of them still have some room, but there are a few where the snaps will no longer hold... its pretty funny.
Until next time...
IHGB #366: Hallmark Christmas Movie Reviews
2 weeks ago
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