My child loves the Bible. Seriously - he cant get enough - he calls it "new Jesus book" and we read every version of every Christian book that we have. I'd love to say Lil Man is super religious and I'm so proud, but really I think he just thinks the stories are really cool, because clearly, he is missing the point.
We read the story of Jonah and the whale - the moral of course is that Jonah asks for forgiveness, God forgives him and has the whale spits him out on the shore.
John Dickson response - "Why did his shoe come off?"
We read the story about Jesus calming the waters.
John Dickson response - "Why that crab is trying to eat Jesus?"
We ask him which story he wants to read -
John Dickson response - "The one where they catch up to the Israelites"
Fact. My son uses the word "Israelites" daily. Im pretty sure that is the story of the parting of the red sea. I'm not really sure though, because I spend more time explaining why the men on horses trying to catch up to the Israelites have chosen horseback riding as their mode of transportation.
We were playing around with John Dickson one day, and the child is obsessed with shooting whatever he can pretend is a gun. So he and Adam are shooting me with random stuff. Naturally, I hoist Henry over my shoulder and fire him like a cannon back at John Dickson. John Dickson falls backwards over Adam's lap, says very dramatically - "oooooh nooooooo you got meeeeee!!!!! I fell down!!!!! I'm dead!!!!"
Hold up, what? Dead????
Later we were reading "new Jesus book" and we get to the story of David and Goliath. David hits Goliath. Goliath falls down and he is dead. That is almost verbatum how the book reads. What John Dickson takes away is that you can do anything with God's help. Wait, no. He learns that if you hit people in the head with a rock, they fall down and die. Well that's both warm AND fuzzy!!!
Oh, and another fave is the story of Adam & Eve. Otherwise known as "the sneaky sneaky snake." That is maybe my favorite.
Enough about that. So, as I mentioned before, John Dickson has been working hard to earn some allowance. His goal - the ice cream truck. So after his 3 weeks of hard work and saving, he finally had enough. Unfortunately, the ice cream truck comes around sometime after 8 pm and John Dickson was extremely tired and ahem... slightly moody. So we decided to just hope he forgot and put him to bed. Adam and I are outside doing yardwork when we hear the familiar music. I get so excited, I run in and get John Dickson back up, he gets his wallet and we sit on the end of the driveway. Ice cream is all he can talk about. We hear the music in the next neighborhood over for the next 10 minutes. FINALLY it gets louder. I tell him it's louder, its getting closer, its our turn. Then I see it through the trees. John Dickson exclaims that he sees it. And then it zoomed past our neighborhood. Just. Like. That.
Poor dude asked about 5 times - "why it left us?" If you've been to our house before then you know the ice cream trucks park just around the corner, so I carried a barefoot John Dickson down there in my bare feet to see if the truck had parked, but it was nowhere to be found. There were other trucks parked there, and I tried to explain that they weren't working right now. As in, they are off duty. He asked about 20 times why they were broken. It was pitiful.
That's about it for now! Pee Pee Pants (Adam), Coco (Henry), John Dickson and I (Bunga) have just been hanging out. Those are John Dickson's nicknames for us, by the way.
Until next time...
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