John Dickson turned 9 months yesterday and commemorated the event with a visit to the pediatrician... a well visit! We had forgotten what those were like! He had lost weight right before Christmas - at least a pound - so the numbers may be a little skewed, but he weighed in at 19 lbs 12 oz (almost 40th percentile) and measured 29 inches (75th percentile). His head was also in the 75th. He got shots again and wasn't quite the big boy he was last time. There was a little screaming, but he got over it as soon as I picked him up.
I talked to the doctor about his eating woes... the boy hates anything remotely solid (not strained, but actual solid foods). I told her we had been trying for 6 weeks now to get him to eat stage 3 food or tiny bits of banana or his puffs. However, John Dickson will gag himself or throw up trying to get it out of his mouth. He also has learned to use his fingers to get it out, or to hang his head over and salivate until it falls out. Meal time is exhausting! So the doctor said it isn't anything to worry about until he is 1 yr. I took him home and fixed the two of us some lunch. He ate, and then while I was eating I poured some puffs in front of him to play with while I finished eating. I looked over and he was feeding himself puffs! Actually chewing and swallowing. He did keep one finger in his mouth I guess to make sure those puffs didn't try to sneak off or something, but he was doing it! He's not very good at it, so I helped him with a few more, but he ate them! Since then he's had a tiny bit of banana and a smidgen of cheese. We've started introducing dairy, and he LOVES yogurt!! Still gets infuriated by any attempts to make him drink juice, but baby steps, right?
Another funny puff related story... (puffs are like flavored puffed rice, in case you're wondering) While John Dickson was eating some puffs yesterday he held one out over the side of his high chair and Bear came over and sniffed it. Then John Dickson yanked it back and squealed with laughter! He did it three times!! We may have a little bully on our hands...
And lastly, yesterday Dr. Greene said "John Dickson, I think you may be a little bit spoiled!" Hmm... sounds about right!!! Spoiled, but every bit as sweet!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
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