Yes, we have been very bad about posting pictures! And here's why... we got these new phones a couple weeks ago, and the picture quality is so good on them that we haven't been busting out the real camera. Also, the battery is dead. But I promise to have some new pictures up before too long.
John Dickson is WELL!!! Right after he started to feel a little better on Thursday, he came down with another round of the stomach bug. He had to miss his last day of "school", and didn't even get to say goodbye to his beloved Rachel. I went a few times on my lunch break, and the two of them were always playing together on the floor. She would put her forehead to his forehead, and he would lay his head on her booty. Now if we catch him doing that in a few years... it'll be a different story ;-) But the little monkey is doing well and is back to his chipper self.
John Dickson went for his 6 month check up this week (it was one of his 3 visits). He got FIVE shots, and cried for less than a minute!! It was a remarkable improvement from his previous shots. His weight was down from being sick, so he had dropped to the 29th percentile, weighing in at only 16.5 lbs. A month before he was 17.5, so who knows how much he weighed before he lost... Dr. Greene thought he was right on target, developmentally, but thought he should be babbling more than he is, which is pretty much not at all. He's still not close to having any teeth, which is just fine with us!
He's back to eating solids, although this time he's a little more picky... and I'm about to give up on bibs! Instead of saving his clothes, it just adds to the laundry. John Dickson shoves his hands in his mouth, then wipes them on everything, while scrunching his bib up and trying to cram it in his mouth. We have to hold the jar in front of him so he thinks he can get it... then as soon as his hands leave his mouth to reach for the jar, bam - spoon in the mouth. Works like a charm :-)
John Dickson finally "gets" his Johnny Jump Up, and is a jumping machine now! And we say "John Dickson, did you ju-ju-ju-ju-jump?" and he goes nuts!! It gets a big belly laugh everytime. He also has thoroughly enjoyed the cup that Dick passed down to him. Bobbie told us about how Dick put dents in the cup by banging it on his highchair, and that they hoped John Dickson would add some dents of his own - and oh man is he ever working on it! He bangs that cup on everything.
We did bust the camera out on Saturday for John Dickson in his "sneaks" that Great Mimi made for him. He wears them every gameday, but we keep forgetting to take a picture! We'll have that up soon.
Check back soon for pictures of John Dickson in his giraffe costume (Granna - we saw the giraffe at Costco, and its not the same!) We realized the other day that on our first Halloween as a married couple, Adam and I carved a giraffe jack o lantern. So the giraffe is perfect for John Dickson! And he has his own baby pumpkin on the front steps, next to our gigundo pumpkin.
Until next time...
Monday, October 20, 2008
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This is absolutely priceless, ya'll! Love checking in on all three of you - keep it up! Love, Randy