John Dickson had a pretty busy last two weeks partying through 5 states. He started out in Columbia to meet some of Big Linda/Granny Pants/Granny Banany/The Riddler's friends - Party #1, went to his first med school graduation party - party #2 (he's super proud of his Dr Aunt Erin and Dr Uncle Jason) and was baptized at Redeemer Lutheran. He was actually in a state of happy awakeness during the service, with only a few tears as Pastor Gary tricked him into thinking it may be bathtime. Anyhow, he celebrated with a cake shaped like a baby bootie - party #3.
Adam took John Dickson down to Hartsville to spend some quality time with his Great Grand Bobbie and Great Grand Dick, and John Dickson received a very special gift - a cup Dick was given when he was a baby that says "J D Kelly". Now he really cant wait to have some control over his hands so he can use it! And also so he can finally quit punching himself in the face. We'll post the pictures with the Grands as soon as we get them.
We took John Dickson through North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia to Maryland where he met Dr. Fananapazir, who said that although nothing is for sure until he is 4-5 yrs old, that his heart sounds perfectly normal! John Dickson celebrated by 11 hours in the car with mom and dad - party #4.
That wasn't enough, so John Dickson made his way down to Hilton Head where he had a blast with his Kelley Grandparents and his Aunt Erin & Uncle Jason. He spent hours flying around the condo and dancing on the table - 2 of his favorites. He got all decked out in his bathing suit, hat, and yes, his Teva's to go stick his feet in the Atlantic Ocean for the very first time. And no, "he never did do that before!" Video below.
The other pictures are just random cuteness, because its hard to put that camera down!